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[Picture of Chinchilla] Silver-spotted chinchilla picture Daquan

2022-04-19 / 681 Read

The silver-spotted Chinchilla is a white chinchilla with black eyes and grey ears. Since the white hereditary gene cannot exist in a homozygous form, the genotype of the white chinchilla is one white hereditary gene plus one standard gray hereditary gene. However, the white genetic gene can be combined with other dominant or recessive genetic genes, and the offspring will have more or less white on the body, especially at the end of the tail.

【My Neighbor Totoro Picture】A complete collection of silver-spotted Chinchilla pictures


The vast majority of white chinchillas have gray fur, which is influenced by the standard gray genetics, and every white chinchilla has gray fur. The gray distribution on the cat is also different, some form a symmetrical and beautiful pattern on the face, and some are all gray with only a white tail. A silver-spotted chinchilla is a breed that has both white and grey fur.