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On top of the world above Prince Dudeman

2022-03-24 / 349 Read

Hello Wagglers! My name is Prince Dudeman. I took a break from my busy schedule to visit my friends in San Francisco at the Hollywood swing office. In fact, we're doing a video of my adventures while I'm here!

Zerotron has been good enough for me and my man, Thor, around the city. Oh, I forgot to mention Thor! He took my place and I stood on his head. It's kind of our thing.

I have a lot of fun shooting swing videos. We started working right away in the early morning and it was, as they were at the showbiz- saying go, go, go. Thor and I started our morning with a big stretch before I jumped on his head. So Thor brushed his teeth...and I stood on his head. He goes to the gym...and I stand on his head. We even walked the streets of the city. Well, Thor is the same. I just stand on his head.

While making videos of rocking a lot of cameras and colorful flashes, it didn't bother me because Thor was always feeding me the treatment I needed.

During our lunch break, one of my furry fans asked me why I was standing on Thor's head all the time. I like it there, I told him. I can see everything Thor sees. Also, human beans always smile when they spot me and Thor smile. and scream when they see Zute. However, this is a different story.

It was my first day of filming all in San Francisco. Be sure to check out my swinging video here!