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How to find the right space for your pet dog in your home?

2020-08-27 / 128 Read

Dogs are man's funniest, cutest, friendliest friend ever, and when people choose to own a dog, there are hundreds of breeds to choose from . The living space that each family brings to the dog is different, which may have some obvious effects on the growth and personality changes of the dog. Therefore, the choice of dog space cannot be ignored. It should be analyzed in terms of personality habits, cleanliness, body size, etc. of the dog breed, in order to find the perfect living space.

1. Personality habits.

Although each breed of dog has common personality habits, different breeds will also have other different personality problems. At this time, the owner must consider his own unique character when choosing a space for the dog, so that the dog can live more comfortably, warmly, and more satisfied.

2. Love cleanliness.

For example, Teddy is a breed that loves cleanliness, so don’t be careless when choosing a living space, otherwise it will bring unhappy dogs every day. Therefore, a dog's satisfaction with the living space will directly affect the daily mood and mood. From this point of view, it is all about choosing the right space.

3. Body size.

Some dogs are only a few tens of centimeters in size, and some breeds of dogs are even bigger than humans in size. At this time, when choosing a living space, it is still based on the actual body size. If you are smaller, choose a smaller kennel space; if you are larger, choose a larger kennel space. Only in this way can each dog live a little more comfortably.


From the perspective of the actual house type of each urban family, the second bedroom, study, balcony, storage room, etc. are good places to choose a kennel for dogs. According to the actual situation of the dog situation to choose the right location!