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How to distinguish between abscesses and tumors in hamsters

2020-10-08 / 1093 Read

How to tell the difference between abscesses and tumors in hamsters:

A hamster has a pustule on its skin called a skin abscess. These bacterial infections are often the result of fights between hamsters, but can sometimes be secondary to a piece of shavings or other foreign object getting stuck in the hamster's skin. Sometimes sharp seeds, such as sunflower seeds, can damage the lining of the cheek pouches and cause abscesses. Sometimes an abscess can be the result of a behavioral condition such as excessive scratching. Sometimes, certain scent glands on hamsters can become abscesses.

Abscesses may require surgical drainage and medical cleaning. Your veterinarian may have to dilute the povidone-iodine wound with clean, warm water. Antibiotics and some to reduce pain and swelling, like meloxicam, may be prescribed. Never use antibiotic ointments or other antibiotic ointments containing neomycin on hamster abscesses, as this may cause life-threatening diarrhea.

If there are bites or scratches on the lump, it's mostly an abscess. An abscess should be treated with antibiotics in order to squeeze out the pus, so it is best to be treated by a veterinarian.

Some abscesses may burst open on their own, at which point the mouse's disease may become severely exacerbated by bacterial infection. So even in emergencies where the abscess must be opened (even without draining it) before taking the rat to the veterinarian to treat the bacterial infection, get the veterinarian's advice on whether to use antibiotics.

If the rat puts a pointed object or food block in the food bag, it may also puncture the inside of the food bag. As a result, the food sac can become infected and develop an abscess, which should be treated by a veterinarian.

Hamster cancers and tumors are often curable. Sometimes, when hamster tumors are removed, these grow back. The business of hamster veterinarians is not always successful, and some antibiotics can also be harmful to hamsters due to their small size. Unfortunately one of the causes of hamster tumors is in breeding, ie: Breeding the same family of example hamsters: a younger brother and a younger sister.

Try to avoid sharp objects (such as wooden ladders, inclined logs, or sharp pipes), as these may cause the tumor to rupture. If the tumor ruptures, put some cooking oil on it - preferably olive oil. People can also put a little salt in warm water, let it melt, and apply it to the wound with a piece of cotton wool. If the hamster licks it (which is the most likely thing, it will do), then the replacement is new car oil. This treatment can help the hamster not lick the pimple so the bleeding stops. If the tumor ruptures. This natural remedy is very useful for hamster pimples.