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Reasonable ways to care for puppies

2020-12-23 / 1052 Read

Newborn puppies can be overwhelmed with their surroundings. Every newborn puppy is milked shortly after birth. During the first day or two of its life, the puppy draws from its mother's colostrum the antibodies it needs to keep it safe for the first six to 10 weeks. For puppies, pay attention to the following daily care:


1. Claw trimming

You may need to trim your puppy's paws between fourteen and twenty-one days , because the puppy's kneading reflex movement during feeding can scratch the mother's lower abdomen. The puppy's paws must be trimmed with baby nail clippers.

2. Sleep and rest

Like babies, puppies have amazing sleep skills. A well-nourished puppies will feed in addition to sleeping for the first week after birth. After that, their activity gradually increased, and by about three weeks, they would stagger and crawl. By the age of twelve to fourteen weeks, you will notice that the puppy's activity time varies between its original sleep cycles.

3. Keep the puppy warm

The temperature is a problem that must be carefully paid attention to. The temperature at which a puppy develops in the womb is 38.5 degrees, and although the mother's temperature will drop before farrowing, it is still a test when the puppy is born wet. You should keep the room temperature at 30-33 degrees. Another option is to maintain a constant indoor temperature of 21 degrees and provide extra heat for the puppy's bed. Allow room temperature to drop 3 degrees every two weeks. Drenched newborn puppies are prone to colds, but they show no signs of an infection that they can't fight for 48 hours after birth. At seven to ten days old, newborn puppies are not able to raise their fur to form an excellent protective layer, so their heat regulation is poor, and their body temperature often ebbs and flows with the surrounding environment. After seven days, while there was some thermal regulation, it wasn't particularly effective before four weeks of age. That's why you want to provide supplemental calories for at least the first two weeks, even if the puppy is in the bitch's den.

4. Check the frail puppy

Healthy puppy is dry, warm and plump to the touch, with normal skin elasticity. When picked up, they will wriggle. Weak puppies are soft and wet to the touch, with inelastic skin and tent-like folds when pinched by hand. A litter of happy and healthy puppies will murmur softly, interrupted from time to time by squeaks and squeals when hungry or eating. Weak puppies can't settle down, they'll crawl around, wasting energy and whimpering mournfully, and end up lying listlessly in the corner.

This is the proper way to take care of puppies!

Newborn puppies may seem overwhelmed by their surroundings. Every newborn puppy is milked shortly after birth. During the first day or two of its life, the puppy draws from its mother's colostrum the antibodies it needs to keep it safe for the first six to 10 weeks.

Most puppies are exclusively breastfed for the first few weeks (be sure that the whole litter is getting their own milk). The best time to introduce solids and start weaning is then determined. The bitches keep the puppies clean and clean up their droppings, so the newspaper in the farrowing crate needs to be changed frequently.

The newly born puppy is deaf and blind. It takes ten to fourteen days to open my eyes, but it takes another seven days to see. Between the thirteenth and seventeenth days of life, with the opening of the ear channels, hearing begins to function.