How to choose a purebred Golden Retriever? Generally speaking, we can identify a purebred little golden retriever by the following characteristics.
1 Mouth. The shorter and thicker the golden retriever puppy, the better, the adult dog is square and broad, but neither long nor sharp.
2 coat colors. The purebred golden retriever puppy's coat is really golden yellow, and it has a very good luster and does not feel very rough.
3 forehead. The forehead is open and flat, and the eyes are pure.
4 eyes. Purebred golden retrievers should not show the whites of their eyes when looking straight ahead.
5 paws. It naturally gathers, not spreads out.
6 tails. When buying a golden retriever baby, when the purebred golden retriever's tail is standing still, the tail must be drooping diagonally.
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