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Introduction of domestic white rabbit species

2022-01-21 / 131 Read

Usually what we call rabbit. It generally refers to the Chinese white rabbit, and most people also think that the rabbit is the little white rabbit. In fact, there are many breeds of rabbits. According to statistics from the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA), there are about 45 purebred rabbit breeds in the world, which can be divided into three categories. That's edible rabbits, fur rabbits, and pet rabbits.


In terms of body size, it can be divided into large rabbits, medium rabbits and small rabbits. The weight of large rabbits is about 3 to 7 kg, and the weight of medium rabbits is about 2 to 3 About kilograms, and the weight of small rabbits is about 2 kilograms. In addition, rabbits can be divided into hard-eared rabbits and soft-eared rabbits according to their ears; according to their coats, they can also be divided into long-haired rabbits and short-haired rabbits. In fact, all breeds of rabbits can be kept as pets as long as you have the interest and energy. At present, most domestic pet stores sell Dutch Rabbit, Dutch Lop, Angora Rabbit and Chinese White Rabbit.