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NASA Mars photos show scorpions, experts speculate that there is life on Mars

2021-05-05 / 1072 Read

UFO experts claim that the Martian ground in the photo shows a huge scorpion shape, speculating that there should be life on Mars. On September 16, Taiwan media reported that NASA released the latest photos returned by the Mars rover Curiosity.


Taiwanese media reported on September 16 that some UFO experts claimed that the Martian ground in the photo showed a huge scorpion shape. There should be life on Mars.

Taiwan's ETToday news cloud website quoted the Mirror as saying that Hua Lin, the editor of the UFO Daily Observation website who currently lives in Taiwan, published the above after seeing the photos sent back by Curiosity. Comment.

He also pointed out that he also found in other photos that a shack-shaped structure may have many Martians living in it.

There is life on Mars, that's for sure. It sounds strange, why? said Hualin Jiji: Because we've been taught that life doesn't exist on other planets.