The ideal Siamese cat is a medium-sized, slender, graceful cat with slender, dexterous, yet strong limbs. Male cats may be relatively large. So what is the CFA standard for Siamese cats?
Head: Wedge-shaped. The size is proportional to the body. The entire wedge radiates straight from the nose to the tip of the ear, forming a triangle, with no break in the beard. The distance between the eyes is not less than one eye's width. The real bone structure is revealed when the whiskers are drawn back by hand. Gill meat is allowed in adult male cats.
Skull: Smooth. Viewed from the side, it is a slender straight line from the top of the head to the tip of the nose. There is no bulge between the eyes and no sunken nose.
Ears: The ears are fairly large, pointed, and broad at the base; extending along the edge of the wedge.
Eyes: Apricot shaped. Medium size. Neither protruding nor concave. It slopes harmoniously towards the nose and ears along the sides of the wedge. Eyes cannot appear.
Nose: Long and straight. is an extension of the forehead, without interruption.
Muzzle: slender, wedge-shaped.
Chin and jaw: medium size. The tip of the chin is horizontal and vertical to the tip of the nose. Neither shrinking nor overly firm.
Body: Medium size. Graceful, slender and slender. Unique combination of slender bones and strong muscles. The shoulders and hips exhibit the same sleek curves as the tubular body. The hips are never wider than the shoulders. Tighten the abdomen.
Neck: Long and thin.
Legs: Long and slender. The hind legs are longer than the front legs. proportional to the body.
Claws: graceful, small, oval. Toes: 5 front paws and 4 hind paws.
Tail: Long, thin, with a slender tip.
Coat: Short, fine textured and shiny. close to the body.
Health Status: Physical fitness is excellent. Eyes are clean and bright. Muscular, strong and dexterous. Neither bloated nor bony. Obesity should not be present.
Color: Well-proportioned, fading allowed on chest and abdomen. Since the color of the Siamese body darkens with age, older Siamese cats are darker, but the body color must be in clear contrast to the accent color. Color Points: The face, ears, legs, feet, and tail are dark and well-defined. Consistent shades of color. The face color covers the entire face, including the beard pads and extends to the ears. The color of the face should not exceed the crown of the head. There should be no tingling or white hair in the color-pointed areas.
Deductions: The nose or paw pads are of the wrong color (eg, lacking color or mottled). Relaxed body. During normal lift, there are visible protrusions of the cartilage at the end of the sternum.
Disqualification: Symptoms of any disease or poor health. Weak hind legs. Having to breathe through the mouth due to an abnormal or blocked nose structure. emaciated. Visible kinks. Eyes are not blue. The toes or feet are white. Wrong number of toes. A malocclusion that causes the upper or lower jaw to protrude. long hair.
Siamese breeds that allow crossbreeding: None.