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Little Sunflower Cockatoo

2022-03-23 / 627 Read

Little Sunflower Cockatoo Breed Introduction

Small The distinctive appearance of sunflower cockatoos can make them stand out from many birds, but because of their outstanding appearance, they have been arbitrarily captured by people. Usually in cities, we don't see many people raising them, but if you've ever watched a circus show, you've probably found that they can also be good actors. Due to the sharp decline in numbers, the little sunflower cockatoo is currently listed as a critically endangered species.

The little sunflower cockatoo is not distributed all over the world. Except for Australia and Indonesia, the little sunflower cockatoo in other places is mostly introduced. Like many birds, the little sunflower cockatoo feeds on insects, plant seeds, and plant fruits. Sometimes they even look for food in fields such as farmland or orchards, and people will chase or kill them if they see them.

The English name of the little sunflower cockatoo is Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, and they also have another name.

Chinese name: Little sunflower cockatoo

Binary name: Cacatua sulphurea

Kingdom: Animal

phylum: Chorates

Subphylum: Vertebrate subphylum

Class: Aves

Subclass: Avii

Ornithidae : Parrotidae

Family: Parrotidae

Subfamily: Subfamily Cockatoos

Genus: Cockatoo

Species: Little Sunflower Cockatoo

Little Sunflower CockatooAppearance characteristics

The small sunflower parrot is 35 cm long and has a lifespan of 50 years. The cockatoo is a medium-sized parrot with predominantly white feathers, a retractable yellow crown on the top of the head, bare blue or white skin around the eyes, ear feathers, throat feathers, and pale yellow cheeks. Feet gray, beak black, the sexes are similar. Juveniles have the same dark brown iris as friendly birds, and it is difficult to distinguish the sex of juveniles within one year of age, while the iris of females is distinctly reddish-brown. The color of the crest of the little sunflower parrot varies with the place of origin, and some are almost white, while the crest of the sunflower parrot from Sumba is almost orange. Ornate crests make them a very special family of parrots. The crest of the small sunflower cockatoo is fan-shaped when it is unfolded. When the crest is not opened, the crest will form a slightly warped "braid" at the back of the head.

Little Sunflower CockatooLifestyle

Moving in pairs and in small groups. They are heavy in flight, glide quickly after flapping their wings, and scream at each other. The crested head kept rising and falling when it stopped and croaked. Most of them feed and move together in pairs or about 3-9 birds, but sometimes it is found that there will be a large number of flocks to forage on fruit-bearing trees, and they will also gather for food with eclectic parrots. Noisy, usually inhabits forested areas when resting, then goes to low altitude areas and crop areas to forage in groups, sometimes hunted by farmers; natural food includes seeds, fruits, grains, berries, nuts, sprouts , buds, etc.

The feeding method of the little sunflower cockatoo

The healthy growth of the little sunflower cockatoo is inseparable from the careful feeding of the owner. For wild little sunflower cockatoos, they can find the food they want to eat in their habitats, but due to various reasons, little sunflower cockatoos raised at home cannot enjoy all the delicacies in the wild, so Is there any way for the owner to make the bird eat both happy and nutritious?

1. What does the little sunflower cockatoo eat

Wild little sunflower cockatoos eat a lot of things, including insects, plant seeds, plant fruits, etc., but in addition, they also eat some plant flowers. For domestic small sunflower cockatoos, the owner can feed them a feed specially formulated for them. At the same time, qualified owners can also feed them some food they will eat in the wild.

Second, little sunflower cockatoos are also picky eaters

A picky little sunflower cockatoo may break the owner when taken care of, so in order to To avoid this situation, the owner will let them eat a variety of foods when they are young. If the owner buys it when the bird is bigger, then you need to ask the seller if the little sunflower cockatoo you bought has any dietary restrictions, what you like to eat, what you don't like to eat, etc.

3. Supplementation of other nutrients

Some owners may worry that feeding small sunflower cockatoos will cause the birds to suffer from improper feeding. If you don't want this to happen, you have to ask relevant experts whether other nutritional elements should be supplemented for birds, how to supplement them, and how to determine the amount of supplementation.