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Singapore Cat

2022-04-13 / 420 Read

  Alias           None      

  English name           Singapura    

  Weight           1-2.7kg    

  Body Type           small cat    

Longhair             Shorthair    

  Origin           Singapore    

Stickness:  Happiness:  
Hair loss:  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:    Kids Friendly:  
Be kind to strangers:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:  Trainability:  
saliva Degree:  Cold tolerance:  
Heat Resistance:  city Fitness:  

Singapore cat


Originally originated in Singapore in the early 1970s, They were found to be very petite in size. Tommy returned to the United States in 1975 and brought back 3 Singaporean cats to start breeding. In 1981, Hal and Tommy applied to CFA and were approved by CFA. Since then, Singapore cats began to be registered and bred in CFA. Until 1988, Singapore cats finally got the affirmation and recognition of CFA, and allowed Singapore cats Enter the Championship.

CFA Standards for Singapore Cats

Singapore Cat

Alias: Gutter Cats The Singaporean cats are quiet and loyal to their owners. Curious and agile, they often run around lively. Due to its small size and quiet voice, it will not cause many troubles to the owner.

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Singapore Cat



Singapore Cat


Not popular in Singapore, so this cat breed is reserved down, but not used to being fed. In fact, as long as they are raised properly, although they have a quiet temperament, they are very affectionate, very loyal to their owners, and like to be with people. The Singaporean cat has a quiet personality and is very loyal to its owner. Curious and agile, they often run around lively. Due to its small size and quiet voice, it will not cause many troubles to the owner. The disadvantage is that the Singaporean cat is more playful and curious, and likes to drill everywhere, even into the sewers, so many people don't like it. However, Singapore cats are very docile and non-aggressive, so they can be raised with confidence even if there are babies at home. Singapore cats are very outgoing, they are very clingy, lively, very curious, but definitely not destructive cats. They are very intelligent and know how to communicate with people and win people's affection for them. Character is its most endearing aspect, and few can resist the enthusiasm of the Singapore cat.

pet Encyclopedia: Details of the Bull Mastiff

CFA Criteria:

Overall Description: Skull rounded in front, back, left and right, with wide outer edges of eyes Round, narrowing at the beard pad, medium length, muscular build, blunt nose.

Head: Rounded skull, broad beard pad and straight nose, which is pointed towards the chin, making the chin stand out well.

Ears: Large and broad, giving the impression of a deep cup. (Ears that are too small are a serious disadvantage.)

Eyes: The eyes are large in the shape of almonds, the distance between the two eyes should not be too narrow, the color of the eyes resembles the color of hazelnuts, and yellow and green are also is allowed, but no other colors are allowed. ( Too small eyes is a serious disadvantage)

Body: Small, very muscular body, approximately square when viewed from the side when standing on all fours.

Neck: Strong and stubby.

Legs and Feet: The legs are richly muscled, tapering from the legs to the egg-shaped feet. There are circular markings on the inside of the limbs, but they cannot be connected to form a ring like a bracelet. These circular markings are broken.

Tail: A slender tail that is approximately the same length as the body. The tip of the tail can touch the shoulder.

Coat: The coat should be short, silky and dense, and stick tightly to the body. (Too fluffy coat is a disadvantage)

Characteristics deducted: gray on coat. Circular markings (circular markings that are not joined together) appear on the outside of the extremities. Invisible tail defect (can be felt by hand, but invisible to the eye)

The following characteristic is disqualifying: White appearance on the tail. Ringed markings forming a circle around the neck. Ringed markings appear on the limbs. very small eyes. very small ears. Fully visible tail defect. blue eyes. Any color other than Sepia Agouti.

Breeding: It is a natural cat breed, so far only the same breed is allowed, and it is not allowed to breed with any other cat breeds.