Nevada Cat|Nybyon Cat
In Europe in the 1960s, especially the United Kingdom, Russian Blue has a tendency to return to its original short stature and dark coat features.
Hair loss:
Body odor Degree:
Slobber Degree:
City Moderate:
Cold Hardiness:
Heat resistance:
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In Europe in the 1960s, especially the United Kingdom, Russian Blue has a tendency to return to its original short stature and dark coat features. American breeders have thus created variants with delicate heads, bodies and claws, lighter coats and lighter weights. The Russian blue cat is hugely popular in the US and Japan (where people simply adore it). In the 1980s, after several crossbreeds, a semi-long-haired Russian blue breed called Nebelung was born.
Chinese name: Nevada cat
Alternative name: Nibi Chinchilla
Kingdom: Animalia
Distribution area: United States
English name: Nebelung
Reproduction: Viviparous
Very quiet, shy, happy to please, resourceful, friendly and a good parent cat. The call is very soft, and it is not disturbing even when it is in heat. I don't go out very often, preferring to stay indoors. Has excellent adaptability, and loves tranquility and has a gentle personality.