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Java Cat|Gavinnes

2022-03-12 / 755 Read
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Java cat Breed Introduction

Despite the name Java, the Breeds did not originate from Java. In Balinese cats (semi-longhairSiamese), American breeders have acquired a semi-long-haired Oriental cat, and named Java cat according to its type. Javanese cats are still very rare in Europe. There are different opinions on whether the Java cat is a new breed or just a variant of the Balinese cat. For example, FIFe considers it to be a semi-long-haired oriental cat with a tight coat and green eyes. The CFA considers it to be just a variation of the Balinese cat's different colors and four recognized colors (dark brown, blue, chocolate and lilac point).

According to records, the earliest breeding program for angora cats produced a group of kittens, one of which was named Rhododendron, which looked like an ancient Turkish Angora. Characterized by a whitish undercoat that contrasts with the rest of the chocolate brown coat on the body. All of these Java cats were born out of an attempt to recreate the traditional Angora breeding program, which was crowned champion in 1984. In October 1989, to better match its Oriental Cat appearance, The Angora cat was renamed the Java cat.

The Javanese cat has the same personality traits as the Oriental cat. It is outgoing and eloquent, with a musical voice. It is single-minded, likes to follow its owner like a puppy, and it knows how to get the owner's favor. They are excellent "athletes" and superb "hunters". The hair is easy to manage and it especially likes to be combed.

Chinese name: Javanese cat

Kingdom: Animal Kingdom

Common name alias: Kawanis cat

English name: Javanese

Javanese catsCharacteristics

Java cats have the same personality traits as Oriental cats. It is outgoing and eloquent, with a musical voice. It is single-minded, likes to follow its owner like a puppy, and it knows how to get the owner's favor. They are excellent "athletes" and superb "hunters". The hair is easy to manage and it especially likes to be combed.

Java CatsFeeding methods

Cats are animals that love to clean, but the habit of fixing the place of defecation can only be developed through frequent training. When training, place a toilet next to the cat litter, with 3-4 cm thick sand, and a little sand with the smell of kitten urine or feces on the top layer. When the cat is anxious and moving in circles, lead the cat to the potty and let it smell the sand in the pot first, so that it will defecate in the potty, and it can become a habit after a few trainings. For example, when the cat defecates elsewhere, reprimand and corporal punishment should be avoided. Instead, gently press the kitten's head to the feces, point it to it, and say "pull here". Repeat this several times, and you can get rid of the bad behavior of defecation everywhere.

If you have a cat in the city, it is ideal to train the cat to defecate on the toilet. Before training, put a plastic board or wooden board under the toilet seat, and lay a suitable amount of sand, furnace ash, sawdust and other pads on the board. When you notice your cat wandering around and getting anxious, take it to the toilet, and it will soon be defecating. After the cat gets into the habit of urinating on the plastic board, gradually reduce the amount of litter, and the cat will gradually develop the habit of standing on the toilet seat. At this time, the plastic board or wooden board can be taken away. . During training, it is best not to use the flush toilet, and the bedding should be replaced frequently, usually once a day.

Food Mistakes for Cats:

One of Cats' Favorite FoodsFish

Nutrition experts point out that fish can provide cats with good protein and other nutrients. But too much fish can be harmful to cats' health. Such as tuna (also known as tuna), itself contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and requires a considerable amount of vitamin E to prevent fatty acid spoilage. If a cat eats a diet rich in tuna for a long time, it may cause yellow fat disease. The cause of the disease is that the content of vitamin E in the food is insufficient, forming a yellow substance deposited in the body fat. The disease will produce a painful Inflammatory response. The key to preventing the disease in cats is to give cats a nutritionally complete and balanced diet and avoid overfeeding tuna.

Myth #2Cats need milk

Cat nutritionists tell us that cats can get the water their bodies need from milk and part of them from carbohydrates calories; but cats cannot live on milk alone. Also, many adult cats are lactose intolerant, they do not have the enzyme lactase, so they cannot digest the lactose in milk, resulting in soft stools or diarrhea hours after drinking milk. If diarrhea occurs, the intestines cannot adequately absorb water and nutrients. So cats can drink moderate or small amounts of milk, but kittens are definitely not dependent on milk to grow and develop.

Java catIdentification selection

Physical shape: medium size, but smaller than Siamese heavy. The body is slender, long-limbed, elegant but muscular. Javanese cats are long, slender, elegant, and muscular. The neck is long and slender. Javanese cats are similar to Siamese cats, with dark blue eyes and a pointy coat.

Head: The head is medium in size, close to a triangle. From its occasional outline, the skull is slightly bulging. The snout is slender.

Ears: Large, broad at the base and pointed at the tip. The line on the side of the ear is a continuation of the triangular outline of the face.

Eyes: Medium in size, almond-shaped, slightly sloping towards the nose. The eyes are green, except for the white Java cat, which has dark blue eyes.

Nose: The nose is long and straight. And it forms a line with the forehead without interruption.

Chin: The chin is medium in size.

Limbs: The legs are long and slender, in proportion to the body.

Paws: The claws are small and oval in shape.

Tail: Very long and slender, even at the base. Tapering from base to tip.

Coat Color: The coat is uniform in color, with no streak coloration and no non-alternate pigmented moles. The variant is the same as the Oriental cat. The eyes are green, except for the white Java cat, which has dark blue eyes. The Javanese cat with the point coat has dark blue eyes, and the recognized variant is the same as the Siamese cat.

Coat: Thin, silky, medium length on body, slightly longer on collar, shoulders and tail (big tail). No wooly undercoat. The coat is uniform in color, with no streak pigmentation and no non-alternate pigmented moles. The variant is the same as the Oriental cat.

Note: The eyes are green, except the white Java cat has dark blue eyes. The Javanese cat with the point coat has dark blue eyes, and the recognized variant is the same as the Siamese cat. Acceptable colors are as follows cinnamon cats (with oriental cats Typical features, light and graceful body, wedge-shaped head, has developed a range of colors and patterns.)

Undesirable sexual characteristics: white markings. Eye color is yellowish, not greenish. Variety of tabby coats with non-alternate tabby coloration.