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Himalayan cat

2022-04-16 / 856 Read

  Alias           point color Persian cat, Focus color longhair cat    

  English name           Himalayan, Colourpoint Persians    

  Weight           3.5 -5kg        

  Body Type           Medium cat    

  Hair           Medium    

  Origin           UK, US    

Stickness:  Happiness:  
Hair loss:  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:    Kids Friendly:  
Be kind to strangers:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:    Trainability:  
Saliva Level:  Cold tolerance:  
Heat Resistance:  city Fitness:  

Pet Encyclopedia: Details of the Himalayan Cat


Persia is a A widely recognized and fairly popular breed, the Himalaya emerged from its earlier cross-breeding. The early evolution of the most likely occurred on the alpine Persian plateau (i.e., present-day Iran and Iraq). When these silky-haired cats were brought to Europe by the Phoenicians and Romans, Europeans fell in love with them. Over the years, Persians have been bred to preserve and emphasize their long-haired characteristics. The first step in cultivating a point color Persian is to crossbreed it with a Persian. The offspring were then bred over the years to produce cats with long coats and color-point patterns. These color-pointed ones are then bred with Persians, and their offspring are mated with each other. Breeders have acquired cats with many basic Persian characteristics and point colors over a period of many years. At this point, the next step begins - which is to obtain official breed recognition from the registry. In the UK, B Sterling-Webb has spent over 10 years perfecting his colour-pointed longhair cats. In 1955, he approached the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) and asked them to recognize this new breed of longhaired cat. As he and other breeders described and defended their work on the new colour, their petition was granted and the Longhaired Colourpoint became a separate breed in the UK.

In the decade that followed, the Himalayan cat grew in popularity. But the vast majority of Himalayan cats do not meet Persian breeding standards. Many breeders have stopped regularly using solid color Persians for crosses. They were bred using pre-existing pointy and pointy colors, so progress in making the Himalaya a Persian-standard breed was slow to even discernible. The Himalayan becomes a color-pointed longhair cat with a long nose. In the 1870s, Himalayan breeders began to look back and reflect on what they had been trying to achieve. Clearly, they had too much work to do to breed more Persian-like cats. To this end, they began regularly crossing with Persians, keeping the best offspring for breeding. After a while, more Persian pointy longhair cats started showing up at cat shows. The cats looked more like Persians, so they were able to compete with Persians for the final grand prize.

Pets: Himalayan Details of the cat


Origin: England

Breed  from , Barman and Crossbreeding

Breeding: Viviparous

Pet Compendium: Details of the Himalayan Cat Data


Most Himalayans are not active cats; that is, they do not move around at all times. They love to play and are active, but they prefer to lie on your lap, and they want to get involved in whatever you're doing! The best way to describe point color Persians is their closeness to people. The Himalayan is a blend of softness, charm and responsiveness, intelligence and gentleness. It has the body and long coat of a Persian cat, and the coat color and eyes of a Siamese cat. Its temperament is between the Siamese cat and the Persian cat, and it combines the advantages of both. It is easy to raise and cute. It is especially suitable for those who need spiritual comfort.

Jingjira Cat Zone


Physical Shape: Medium build and long coat, medium coat color and eyes

Head: Round and broad, with full cheeks

Ears: Pointed, small and rounded

Eyes: Large, round, bright sapphire color

Nose: Short nose

Chin: Rounded

Limbs: short and thick

Feet: large and rounded claws

Tail: short and fluffy

Coat: Thick and shiny

Coat color: There are nine coat colors: seal point, chocolate point, blue point, lilac point, red point, cream point , tortoiseshell point color, blue-yellow point color, lavender, cream point color.