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Chinese raccoon cat

2022-03-29 / 1262 Read
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Introduction to the breed of Chinese civet cat  

China is the origin of civet cat, it is a natural cat, because it is Retained through the natural elimination of many species over thousands of years Variety. People are most familiar with the story of the "civet cat for the prince" (Song Dynasty), but the introduction of the species of civet flower in China is long before that. 2003CFA China Great Wall Cat Club applied to the international application, will be Chinese civet cat It was approved by the CFA Houston board meeting on February 8, 2010 after seven years of hard work to show the unique cat breeds in China to the world. Tanuki officially entered the CFA. The international name of the raccoon cat still uses the Chinese name and pronunciation "Chinese Li HUa Mao". Since then, China has its own purebred cats.

Characteristics of Chinese civet cats

Chinese raccoon cat In our country, it is a pear-colored tabby domestic cat, maybe he is not conspicuous in China, and many people will say no It is the same as my XX, or my XX is prettier than him, but the Chinese raccoon cat is the only national cat with pedigree tracking in our country, and it has truly entered the international recognition and represents the image of our country's cat. It is equivalent to Liu Xiang in the cat class. The pride of our national cat.

The civet cat has an independent personality and loves sports. If the surrounding environment changes, it will be very sensitive. It is very dependent on the owner's Chinese civet cat's growth process. It has a different owner, and its psychology will be hurt. Although the adult cat is not very fond of playing with people, it will still be in your sight at any time. It is a reserved animal and is confident in itself and very loyal to its owner. If you like this pet, it will be your first choice.

Living habits of Chinese civet cats

breedingChinese raccoon cats do not need to be kept like Scottish Fold or Exotic Shorthair (details) So be careful, because they all have genetic defects, and Chinese civet cats have evolved for thousands of years, and ordinary small problems will not trap them, because there are very high Self-adjustment ability. Usually, as long as there is very clean water and rations suitable for it, it is a must. Of course, if it is better to eat it, it is fine.

To develop a good habit of eating cat food from a young age, kittens can eat cat food from 4 weeks of age and start soaking in warm water. Kittens can be fed dry cat food at 10 weeks of age, allowing them to eat ad libitum and clean water. Eat small meals often, and pay attention to timing, ration, and fixed-point feeding. Timing: Feed at a fixed time every day to develop good eating habits. Quantitative: The amount of food should not be too much or too little. With the increase of the cat's age, the kitten's food intake gradually increases for a certain period of time (usually three or four months), and it remains stable after eight months. Generally, cats about 2 months old need to eat more than 5 or 6 times a day. Kittens three months ago are generally fed four times a day, such as 9:00 am, 12:00 noon, 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm. From three to six months old, feed three times a day. Twice a day after six months of age, it is best to use dry cat food from this period, which is good for its teeth and gums. When the milk is not enough for the kitten or there is no milk, drink a special pet Milk powder, you can add some rice flour to the milk powder when it is bigger. If milk is consumed directly, it may cause diarrhea because kittens cannot digest milk well.

Chinese civet catsAdvantages and disadvantages

The raccoon cat is obese, has a sagging abdomen, ears that are too small or too large, and a forehead that is too wide or Too narrow, the bridge of the nose is collapsed or too narrow, the lower forehead protrudes beyond the upper forehead, the chin is too thin, or protrudes into a rounded feeling, the eyes are splayed, the color of the nose is too light, the body hair is variegated, or the body hair is asymmetrical. The head is small and the body is fat, and the whole is like a triangle.

Feeding methods of Chinese civet cats

The civet cats are unique to Chinavariety, there is a story of "civet cat for prince" in Song Dynasty, and it has a super cool English name Dragon-Li, this cute And beautiful cats are especially popular.

1. Five correct ways to raise civet cats:

1. Adult civet cats don't like to play with people very much, but they will always be there at any time. Walk within your line of sight. The owner should always express his concern for the raccoon cat and pay attention to its behavior.

2. Feeding the raccoon cat is very simple, as long as it has very clean water and suitable rations, there are no special needs, these are the necessary conditions for it to live a happy life.

3. The raccoon cat is very afraid of cold weather, so the civet cat's cathouse must be warm, especially in winter, put enough blankets in the cathouse, and the cathouse should be placed in the best place. Good sun.

4. The raccoon likes to exercise, the owner should bring appropriate cats  Go out for exercise, such as walking every day, and install a cat climbing frame at home to allow cats to crawl and walk around at any time.

5. The coat of the raccoon cat is very beautiful, so pay attention to the care of the coat of the raccoon cat. Groom at least once a day, bathe civet cats and cats regularly, and catch fleas. Recently, ticks have been rampant. If the civet cat goes out, the owner must take care of their coat when they come back.

The identification and selection of Chinese raccoon cats

Speaking of raccoon cats   , the first impression is that they are very powerful and domineering. Very moderate build, not only with a wide ribcage, but also deep and thick. The limbs, like the tail, are of moderate length, very suitable, and have great strength, strong, and well-developed muscles. For cat lovers who like civet cats, how should they buy purebred cats?

1. Appearance characteristics of purebred civet cats

1. Physique

The raccoon flower first gives people a feeling of majesty and majesty, regardless of male or female cats. The raccoon cat has a very moderate body, not only has a very wide chest, but also deep and thick. The limbs, like the tail, are of moderate length, very suitable, and have great strength, strong, and well-developed muscles. Gives the impression of having a very strong body.

2. Main features

The civet cat has a very round head, very wide cheeks, the distance between the two ears is not very short, and the size of the ears is very suitable. Very broad ears, deep auricles, and the part at the tip is relatively rounded. Its very large eyes are very shiny, and the shape is round almond kernels. The colors ranging from yellow, gold to green are currently recognized by people, and the eyes usually have eyeliner. The nose is brick red with a long nose line.

3. Head

The nose of the adult raccoon is long and straight, and the overall head feels like a trimmed gem-cut (hexagonal) shape, so the length of the face is wider than the width Long, with a slightly protruding semicircular skull between the ears, the face is wide at the same level as the eyes, the facial contour suddenly shrinks from the inner corner of the eye, and the nose protrudes, the bridge of the nose is uplifted and straight, the size is moderate, neither too wide nor narrow , the nose is brick red, dark brown and black. The eyes are almond-shaped, the outer eye tip is slightly hanged, and the eye color is mainly yellow, green and brown, of which green is the top grade.

4. Coat

The coat is short and hard, healthy and shiny, and fits the body without fluffy. No thick fluff. Except for the light yellow hair on the abdomen and forehead, the hair on the body is all three colors on one hair, such as the brown part of the hair, the root is black, the middle part is light color, the hair tip is brown, and the black hair part, The roots are light-colored, the middle is dark brown, and the tips of the hairs are black. The brown tabby is recognized as a breed standard color.

Two, identify American ShorthairAnd civet cats

1. Appearance identification

American Shorthair: Slim body, big head, oval face, full cheeks. The cat's ears are thin and round, evenly spaced at the top of the head, and the distance between the ears is twice the distance between the eyes. Shorthair cats have a smooth forehead and large, bright and energetic eyes. The muzzle is square, the jawbones are well-defined, and the neck is of moderate length. The body is strong and sturdy, with strong muscles in the shoulders, chest, and back. The cat's claws are round, with five toes in front and four behind, with thick scratching pads. The tail is of medium length, tapering abruptly from the base to the tip. The whole body hair is short and thick, and the texture of the hair is firm and slippery.

Chinese raccoon: Abbreviation for face Hexagonal, eyes are mainly yellow-green and brown. There are many protruding semi-circular skulls in the ears, and the bridge of the nose is straight and moderate in size. Tabby cats have strong jaws, straight and strong jaws. The pair of necks is short, but strong and strong, the trunk is long and stout, the chest is muscular, the back is flat, the limbs are muscular and powerful, with 5 fingers on the front paws and 4 fingers on the hind paws. The tail is shorter than the length of the body, without abrupt tapering from base to tail. The whole body hair is short, hard, shiny, and fits the body without being disheveled.

2. Character identification

American Shorthair: Strong in body, brave in character, hard-working, docile, never play with temper, like quiet, not noisy, very lovable favorite. Shorthair cats are very intelligent and get along well with other animals.

Chinese raccoon cats: strong independence, strong in memory and imitation, rich in emotions, brave in personality, and will be very heartfelt to the owner after getting along with the owner. In daily life, the raccoon cat always gives people a sense of majesty. On weekdays, the raccoon cat is active and cheerful, but it will become very sensitive and tense to changes in the surrounding environment, and will be more dependent on the owner.

Both breeds of cats are deeply loved by friends, and the method of raising them is also very simple. If you decide to raise cats of one of the breeds, you must research and understand the two breeds before purchasing. , to avoid buying back varieties that are not what you need.

Third, buy healthy tabby cats

1. Beautiful plump animals

Kittens should be chubby, and at least She can't leave her mother until she is 8 weeks old. Small looking cats or kittens or kittens with a bulging tummy are likely to have intestinal parasites.

2. Bright and clear eyes

A kitten with tears or sneezing, a kitten with a cough is usually sick.

3. Dry and clean tail

A yellow smudge on the fur indicates that the cat has diarrhea.

4. Healthy Coat

Quickly check for fleas—many kittens have fleas. If there are not many fleas, it is easier to deal with (the usual practice is to spray the worms, which works very well). See if the cat's fur is long or short. A fluffy kitten may spread out to a long-haired cat, requiring daily grooming to prevent its fur from balling. It takes time - so if you don't have the time, try to choose a short-haired kitten, it will be much easier to deal with.

5. Clean Ears

Dry dark gray or brown deposits in the ears are a sign of ear mites. As with fleas, there are ways to deal with them—a veterinarian can advise you.