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Balinese cat

2022-03-27 / 409 Read

  Alias           Bali cat, ZawaCat    

  English name           Balinese    

Weight             3.5-7kg    

  Body Type           Medium Cat    

  Long Coat           Longhair    

  Origin           United States    

Stickness:  Happiness:  
Hair loss:  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:  Kids Friendly:  
Yes Friendly people:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:  Trainability:  
saliva level :  Cold Hardiness:  
Heat Resistance:  Urban Adaptation Degree:  

Balinese cat

History :

is a famous long-haired mutant bred in the United States. It first appeared in cats believed to be of pure Siamese ancestry. There was little interest to cat owners at the time, but the appeal of Balinese cats gradually expanded, so the breed began to develop. Because longhair is a dominant gene, the mating of any two Balinese cats will result in a medium-to-long-haired Balinese kitten, but outcrosses are also used to maintain the short-haired appearance of Siamese cats.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Mrs. Beren Smith of New York, USA found a long-haired mutant in the descendants of Siamese cats she raised, which was called "crippled Siamese cat" at that time, so although 1930 Participated in the cat show in 2010, but has not been able to win the award at the show. After more than 30 years of hard work by breeders, a series of selection, purification and reproduction were carried out, and finally it was recognized by the American Cat Breeding Association for the first time in 1963. The first breed was Californian Marion Dorsey. Working with another cat breeder in New York, he planned a breeding program as early as the 1960s.

CFA Standards for Balinese Cats


alias: long Hairy Siamese, Longhaired Amis Balinese cats are intelligent, enthusiastic, energetic, curious, and playful. But more docile than its close relative, the Siamese cat, the Balinese cat has a softer voice, with a begging tone.

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Bali Cat


United States.

Bali Cat


Smart and enthusiastic , vibrant, curious, and playful. But more docile than its close relatives, the Balinese has a softer voice, with a begging tone. Outgoing and active, cats of this breed like to be with people and do not like to be alone, and need enough love and emotional input from their owners. In addition, Balinese cats also like other active cats or company. Very loyal to the master. Sensitive and loving, it has a likable temperament. He has the jumping ability of an acrobat, and when he walks in small steps, he has a graceful gait.

pet Daquan: Details of American Curl Cat

CFA Criteria:

Body Shape: Similar in appearance, of medium build, with a streamlined appearance.

Head: Medium size. Long and triangular with a straight outline. Skull slightly convex; or flat, with delicate snout. No nose or mustache border. The bridge of the nose is long and straight. Chin is medium size.

Ears: Large and pointed, broad at the base and widely spaced. The ears are rich in hair. Maintain a V-shaped profile from the lower jaw. The lynx tip is better.

Eyes: Medium in size, almond-shaped, slightly slanted toward the nose. Color: Dark Blue

Neck: Long, Slim, Elegant

Body: Slim, slender, streamlined, typically oriental. The skeleton is slender, the muscles are compact, the ribs are extended, and the thorax is cylindrical. The abdomen is drawn up, but not rolled up. The neck curve is stretched and clear, combined with the head flexibly and elegantly.

Limbs: Cylindrical, well-proportioned and well-proportioned; The legs are long and slender, in proportion to the body. Small, oval claws with hairs between the toes.

Tail: The tail is long and slender, pointed at the end, richly adorned with long feathers and drooping. Tapering from base to tip of tail.

Coat: Medium length, silky, fine. Longer coat on body, belly and tail. Slightly undercolored fluff. All Siamese cat colors are acceptable. must be consistent. Strong contrast is required between the accent color and the body color. Xiaomao is born completely white. The color of an adult cat does not stabilize until the age of 1 year. CFA only recognizes 4 variants: Brown Point: Dark Brown Point, Blue Point: Dark Blue Point, Chocolate Point: Cream Chocolate Point Lilac Point: Frost Gray Point Other colors are called in the US Java cat. But in France there is no difference between Balinese and Javanese cats.