Nevada Cat|Nybyon Cat
In Europe in the 1960s, especially the United Kingdom, Russian Blue has a tendency to return to its original short stature and dark coat features.
Alias: Brown Standard Tabby
Distribution Region: Worldwide
Origin: United States
Body Size: Medium
Height: Unknown cm
Weight: 3.5-7kg
Life: 12-17 years
Hair loss:
Beauty Level:
Body Odor Level:
saliva level:
City Moderate:
Cold Hardiness:
Heat resistance:
Motion level:
American Shorthair, also known as the American Shorthair, is good at catching mice and easy to raise. The American Shorthair is known for its burly physique. Strong skeletal, muscular, intelligent by nature, known for being docile, it is a medium to large shorthair cat. The cat is thick and dense, with more than 30 kinds of coat colors, among which the silver-striped breed is particularly valuable.
The American Shorthair is native to the United States, and there are two theories about its origin. Some people believe that the cat is an indigenous cat in the American continent, which was bred for a long time. At the beginning of the twentieth century, as some foreign cat breeds were introduced to the United States, the native ancestry of the American Shorthair began to weaken, with the longhair and Siamese cats are mated kittens with a variety of coat lengths, sizes, colors and temperaments. And those who love the native American Shorthair, they only begin to selectively breed to retain the American Shorthair's characteristics, the early breeders succeeded in obtaining perfect markings, color, but also retained the strong form, beautiful face and cute character. The American CFA selected this lovely breed to be one of its first five recognized breeds. In the early days, it was called the short-haired domestic cat, but in order to more strongly represent this All American Cat, it was renamed the American Short-haired cat in 1966, which means that the breed native to North America is different from the one that is generally found everywhere on the street. Visible shorthair cat. The new name also stops people from confusing American Shorthair with other shorthair cats. Until the last century, the American Shorthair has grown steadily in cat shows and has won numerous awards, including two CFA Cat of the Year and one CFA Kitten of the Year.
The American Shorthair is a cat native to the United States whose ancestors were cats brought to North America by early European settlers species, the same species as British Shorthair and European Shorthair. According to records, the Mayflower carried several cats to help with rodent control. Cats of this breed are selected from cats collected on the streets, and imported breeds such as British Shorthair, Burmese and Persian cats are crossbred. Copper-brown undertones with solid black markings and rings of lighter copper around these patterns, slightly shorter neck, muscular. The hair is short and thick, with a stiff texture. Independent, lively and alert. This cat of American ancestry is extremely rare outside the United States, and the breed was recognized by TICA in 1989. Semi-longhaired American Bobtail and Longhair American Bobtail share the same breed characteristics as their cousins.