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2022-04-04 / 386 Read

  Alias         Swallowfish   , Angel, Little Angelfish, Smallfin sailfish    

  English name           CommonAngel fish    


  Length             12-20cm    

  Origin           Guyana, Brazil, South America    

  Prices           ——    

Stickness:  Happiness:  
Hair loss:  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:Kids Friendly:  
Yes Friendly people:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:  Trainability:  
saliva level :Cold Hardiness:  
Heat Resistance:  Urban Adaptation Degree:  

Details of Angelfish

Angelfish, Also known as swallow fish, angel, little angelfish, small fin sailfish, etc., Liidae, native to Guyana and Brazil in South America. Looking at the angelfish swimming from the side, it is like a swallow flying. The angelfish has a flat side and a diamond shape, just like a swallow flying in the water, so it is also called "swallow fish" in northern China.

Basic introduction

English name: CommonAngel fish

Scientific name: Pterophyllums carale (Lichtenstein, 1823)

The angelfish is elegant and swimming It is beautiful in appearance, although it does not have bright colors, but its popularity with enthusiasts is unparalleled by any kind. It seems that there is no case where a lover who has raised tropical fish for many years has not raised angelfish. Angelfish is almost The pronoun of tropical fish, as long as the mention of tropical fish, people often think of this kind of fish leisurely shuttle in the water and grass, beautiful and refined.


Native to Pucallpa in Peru, South America, north along Rio Ucayali, through the Amazon waters all the way to the Amazon delta in eastern Brazil, in this range of nearly 5,000 kilometers Their traces can be found anywhere. In addition, they are also found in the Rio Negro and other tributaries or other regional species. Generally, the adult fish is 12-18 cm long.


Suitable water temperature: 24-27℃.

Water quality requirements: total hardness (gH): 3-6dGH, pH (pH): 6.5-7.0

Angelfish is very gentle and has no special requirements for water quality. It can be mixed with most fish in the environment of weakly acidic water quality. The only thing to pay attention to is the tiger skin fish and guppies of the carp family. These naughty and lively small fish often like to bite the anal and caudal fins of the angelfish, although not A deadly attack, but in order to maintain the beautiful appearance of the angelfish, try to avoid mixing the angelfish with them.

Details of Angelfish


After years of Artificial improvement and hybrid breeding have brought many new species of angelfish. According to the length of the tail fin, they are divided into three strains: short-tailed, medium-long-tailed, and long-tailed; and according to the markings and color changes of the fish, they are divided into many types. The more common ones in China are: White Angelfish, Black Angelfish, Grey Angelfish, Marble Angelfish, Half-Black Angelfish, Mandarin Duck Angelfish, Tricolor Angelfish, Gold-headed Angelfish, Glass Angelfish, Diamond Angelfish , bear angelfish, red-eyed angelfish, etc., while the Egyptian angelfish that is more popular abroad is rare in China.

In terms of fin length, it is also known as long-tailed angelfish, medium-tailed angelfish and short-tailed angelfish.

Red-Eyed Diamond Fairy

Scientific name: pterophyllum scalare

Originated from the Amazon River in South America, it belongs to the cichlid family, with a body length of 10-15cm and a flat round body . The eyes are bright red, the body color is silver-white, and the fish scales on the body surface are transformed into beads, which sparkle under the light, exuding a charming luster like a diamond, which is very beautiful. The feeding water temperature is 22-26 °C, the breeding water temperature is 27-28 °C, the water quality is weakly acidic soft water, and the bait is fish, worm, red worm, pellet feed, etc. The broodstock are free to choose their mates, and the mate relationship is fixed. It belongs to the female plate oviparous type, and the female fish lays 300-500 eggs per time.

Golden head fairy

Scientific name: pterophyllum scalare

Origin South America Amazon River , Guyana and other places, belongs to the cichlid family. Body length 10-15CM, flat disc-shaped. The dorsal fins are tall and straight, the anal fins are broad, and the pelvic fins are two long silk fins. The feeding water temperature is 22-26 ℃, the water quality is slightly acidic soft water, and the breeding water temperature is 27-28 ℃. The male fish is large, with a round and protruding head, while the female fish is small and straight. The broodstock is free to choose a mate, and the mate relationship is fixed. It is a magnetic plate oviparous fish. Choose 10*15CM green plastic board, fix it on a 10CM height bracket, and put it into the breeding tank for breeding fish. Females lay 500-600 eggs each time.

Marble Fairy


Native to Amazon River, it belongs to Cichlidae. Body length 10-15CM, body round side flat. The body color is black and white, and the mottled staggered. The feeding water temperature is 22-26 ℃, the water quality is weakly acidic soft water, and the bait includes fish and insects, water earthworms, red worms, and pellet feed. The broodstock is sexually mature for 6 months. The male fish is burly with a round and stocky head, and the female fish has a flat head. The breeding water temperature is 27-28 ℃, and the magnetic plate is oviparous. The broodstock are paired freely, one-to-one in one tank, and are no longer separated. The female fish lays 300-500 eggs each time, and the spawning interval is 7-10 days.

Three-colored fairy


Also known as panda fairy, native to the Amazon River, it belongs to the cichlid family. Body length 10-15CM, body oblate. The dorsal fins are tall, the anal fins are broad, and the pelvic fins are two long silk fins. The body color is silver and white, with several black spots of different sizes on the body surface, golden yellow on the top of the head, and clear black and white body color, similar to the pattern of pandas. The breeding water temperature is 22-26 °C, the breeding water temperature is 27-28 °C, and the water quality is weakly acidic soft water. The age of sexual maturity of broodstock is 6 months, the male fish is larger, the head is round and plump, the female head is thin and flat, and the magnetic plate is oviparous. The female fish lays 300-500 eggs each time, and the second spawns in about 7-10 days.

Pet Encyclopedia: Details of Kissing Fish

Zebra Fairy

Scientific name: pterophyllum eimekei

Native to the Amazon River in South America, it belongs to the cichlid family. The body length is 10-15CM, and the body is disc-shaped and laterally flattened. The head is pointed, the pelvic fins are two long silk fins, and there are 3-5 black vertical horizontal bands on the side of the body, which are named after the stripes of the zebra. The feeding water temperature is 22-26 ℃, the water quality is weakly acidic and soft water, and the bait is mainly insect fish. The breeding water temperature is 26-28 ℃, and the broodstock is sexually mature for 6 months. The male fish is larger in size, slightly raised on the top of the head, and has long fins. The female fish has a smooth head and lays eggs on a magnetic plate, 300-500 eggs per spawn.

Mandarin duck fairy

Scientific name: pterophyllum scalare

Also known as half-body black fairy, body type Same with Zebra Fairy. The front half of the body is silver-white or gray-white, and the back half is completely black, with distinct black and white, very beautiful. The feeding water temperature is 22-26 ℃, and the bait is insect fish, water earthworm, red worm and so on. The water quality likes slightly acidic soft water. The breeding water temperature is 26-28°C. The male fish is larger, and the top of the head is slightly raised in a circular arc shape. The top of the female fish is thin and smooth. It is a magnetic plate oviparous species, and the female fish lays 300-500 eggs each time.

Black fairy

Scientific name: pterophyllum scalare

Also known as black swallow, native to the Amazon River in South America, it belongs to the cichlid family. Body length 10-15CM, disc-shaped laterally flattened. The whole body is dark as ink and the body color is bright. It is one of the more famous species of angelfish. The water temperature for breeding is 22-26°C, and the temperature for breeding is 27-28°C. It prefers weakly acidic soft water. The individual is larger, the top of the head is round and thick and slightly convex, the head of the female fish is straight, the broodstock pairs by themselves, and the mate relationship is fixed. Larvae hatch in 48 hours and can swim for food after 7 days.

Blue Angelfish

The body shape is similar to the Angelfish, the overall color is lighter, and the fins reflect a light blue luster, which is a very elegant species. There are also varieties of Baizi. Baizi is more similar to the red-eyed angelfish, but the fins still reflect the blue luster.

Yin-Yang Angelfish

Yin-Yang Angelfish, also known as Green Pearl, is an improved breed with a black rear part of the body, and the black part of the rear part also reflects a dark green luster. The contrast between the two colors is strong, and the overall feeling is very unique.

Grey zebra angelfish (blue zebra)

It is similar to zebra, except that its body is grayish, the color contrast is strong, it has a blue-green metallic luster, and its fin patterns are more clear and gorgeous . And the iris of this species of fairy eyes is red.

Glass Angelfish (Red-faced Angelfish)

The whole body is transparent, the head is yellow, and the gills, internal organs and bones can be clearly seen. There are also white varieties.

White Angelfish

The whole body is silver-white except for the black eye, no streaks on the body, slightly transparent head, the overall color is perfect, there is no trace of miscellaneous Spot, like a fine jade carving. There are also white varieties.

Silver Fairy

It is an improved variety of silver with metallic luster as a whole, and the stripes on the body are not obvious.