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What emotions do cats' whiskers show? 5 kinds of emotions whiskers show

2022-03-19 / 1224 Read

Cats actually talk to you in cat language every day. Of course, cat language is not the same as human speech. Sometimes it's an action, sometimes it's an expression, and sometimes it's a sudden gesture. Even sleeping positions can express emotions and moods. Today, I'm going to tell you what emotions the cat's whiskers show, and the display of 5 kinds of emotional whiskers.


cat's whiskers show What kind of emotions are out of the 5 kinds of emotional whiskers display

When the cat is in high spirits, it will be equivalent to the sensor's A beard that leans forward is gathering information; it can also be pulled back suddenly.

When the cat is frightened and scared, the muscles will tense, and the whiskers will face the back.

When cats are angry or feel more fearful, their whiskers will suddenly switch to pulling back.