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How to deal with the sickness of the strip-necked turtle

2021-09-14 / 1040 Read

1. Drowning

The snail-necked tortoise breathes with its lungs and needs to frequently stick its head out of the water for breathing. Many newbies will drown their love turtles because of improper feeding. After discovery, turn the head of the turtle with the head down, let the water flow out of the head, and squeeze the limbs and armpits of the turtle regularly with fingers. After the water is almost drained, put the turtle in a dry and ventilated place and let it recover slowly.


2. Carrion

Mild Carrion can make the tortoise heal itself by strengthening the light and improving the water quality. For more serious rotten nails, all loose and rotten dead nails need to be removed manually, then cleaned and disinfected with hydrogen peroxide, and then coated with potassium permanganate powder. If it has reached the level of severe decay and odor, it needs to be injected with antibiotics for treatment. During the treatment, it must be dry and nourished, and some multi-dimensional elements can be supplemented at the same time.