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What does a thin green snake look like

2021-09-01 / 138 Read

The green skinny snake is a small snake in the family Viperidae, and the skinny snake is a mildly poisonous snake. The green skinny snake is very slender and long, the total length of the green skinny snake is (775+435) mm, and the female is (1055+595) mm.


Skinny Green SnakeThe head is narrow and long, which is clearly distinguished from the neck; the snout is slightly rounded and flat,The eyes are large and the pupil is a horizontal slit; the cheek area is a groove; the trunk is slender and flat on the sides, and the tail is very long and thin. The dorsal surface is bright green, the ventral surface is pale green, the lateral edges of the anterior segment of the ventral scale and the lower caudal scale are white, showing two longitudinal lines.