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How long do Cape Berger tortoises live?

2021-08-09 / 1139 Read

Berg's Cape tortoises are very long-lived, living 80-100 years.

In order to keep the Cape Berger tortoise alive and healthy, it is necessary to pay attention to the usual feeding. On average, about three times a week, the food includes grass-fed, mosaic, cucumber, papaya, grapes and figs, and occasionally supplemented with oats, wheat, corn and calcium D3. In addition, there will be some hay or leaves in the rearing environment for ready consumption.


General Burger's tortoise production Eggs will be laid under the slate. The production season is from January to October (winter or early summer). The incubation temperature is about 28°C to 32°C. The humidity needs to be controlled at 80% to 90%. Clean to avoid infection.