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What's the matter with the black thorns eye pattern hanging?

2021-06-02 / 1143 Read

The black thorn-eye hanger refuses to eat due to indigestion. It is often because the breeder does not know the amount of feeding well, and the feeding is too full at one time, causing indigestion. Hide in the corner of the aquarium, etc. In this case, just take the initiative to stop eating, and resume baiting after the black thorn eye pattern has an appetite.


Poor water quality caused the black thorn eye tattoo Food refusal is generally caused by aging water bodies. After the black thorn-eye pattern hanger has the phenomenon of refusal to eat, it should be replaced with 1/8 to 1/6 of the total water volume of the original tank every day. If you keep doing this for 3-5 days, the situation will improve.