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What happened to the Congolese swordfish not eating

2020-12-29 / 124 Read

1. Sudden changes in the environment: sudden changes in the environment may cause the Congolese swordfish to refuse to eat, sometimes accompanied by floating head, fast swimming, easy to startle, hiding in the fish pond or corner of the fish tank, etc.


2. Refusal to eat during heat: pull flags in Congo During the breeding period of fish, especially when the female fish is pregnant, due to the rapid development of the abdominal ovary, the abdomen is extremely swollen, compressing the stomach and swim bladder, causing the Congo swordfish to resist feeding for a long time, up to several months.

3. Poor water quality: Congolese swordfish will not eat and refuse to eat due to poor water quality. It is usually caused by the water body being too old. Some breeders like to extract the feces from the fish pond every day and add a very small amount of new water at the same time. After a period of time, the water body will easily become old, causing the Congolese swordfish to not eat and refuse to eat.