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What is the best thing to feed a Himalayan rabbit?

2021-04-30 / 133 Read

The most suitable food for Himalayan rabbits is hay, rabbit food and water. Of course, within a certain range, it can be provided with some vegetables, but we have to choose all kinds of vegetables, not all vegetables are suitable it.

The water content of vegetables is about 85%, its crude fiber content is low, and its palatability is good. Rabbits are greedy. Feeding vegetable leaves to young rabbits within 90 days of age will cause the young rabbits to appear in only a few days. diarrhea. If the rabbit develops diarrhea after eating vegetables, it should stop feeding vegetables, add green hay and dry leaves, and add 2% charcoal powder or 2% medicinal charcoal to the mixture or batch for treatment.


Cruciferous vegetables such as mustard, rape, radish Contains mustard glycosides. Under the action of myrosinase, it can generate toxins such as nitrile, which can damage the liver and kidneys of rabbits. Therefore, cruciferous vegetables should be fed as little as possible. Feeding rabbits with vegetables harmed by aphids and cabbage worms can cause conjunctivitis, stomatitis, gastroenteritis, rhinitis, vaginitis, abdominal pain and diarrhea in rabbits. When feeding Himalayan rabbits with vegetables correctly, some feeds with low water content (bran, etc.) and feeds with high crude fiber content (dry leaves, etc.) should be fed. Vegetables to feed Himalayan rabbits should be fresh and dew-free.