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Ruoruojia ~ Are pet supplies real?

2021-02-28 / 1050 Read

Ruoruojia ~ Pet Supplies is a Douyin blogger who keeps a teddy dog. He will share a lot of pet supplies that his dogs have used and are easy to use on Douyin. It is indeed true .

His regular video talks about what to do if a teddy dog grows tartar, and he recommends a toothbrush, which all dog owners should have. Because it is very common for dogs to develop dental calculus, how to check and treat dental calculus in dogs is as follows:

1. Open the dog's mouth to check the hygiene and shape of the teeth

2. Dogs with severe tartar can use it Common tooth cleaning products on the market for cleaning

3. Puppies with good tartar can use mouthwash, molar sticks, etc. to eliminate tartar

4. Avoid eating meat for a long time in the diet Equal viscous soft food