Amber Hamster
Length: 10-12cm
Pink WhiteChinchillas are a combination of white chinchillas and beige or golden chinchillas, which are very attractive with their pinkish-white fur and pink ears. If you don't look carefully, pink and white chinchillas can easily be confused with red-eyed white chinchillas.
Chinese name: Pink white chinchilla
Alternative name: American chinchilla, also known as chinchilla, chinchilla, golden mouse Chinchilla, Chinchilla, etc.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordate
Subphylum: Vertebrate subphylum
Class: Mammalia
Subclass: Animals Subclass
Order: Rodentia
Family: Chinchoridae
Genus: Chonychus
Range: South American Andes Mountains
English name: Pink White Chinchilla
Pink White Chinchilla, Pink White Chinchilla is a combination of white chinchillas and beige or golden chinchillas, they have pink ears and pink-white fur. Generally speaking, the coat color looks very white, but compared with the red-eyed white chinchilla, the coat color is off-white when you look closely.