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2022-03-31 / 783 Read

  Alias           First-line mouse, Pygmy Campo russian rat, Ham Peer, Campo 

  English name           Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster    

  Weight           35~45g    

Size             Mini Mouse    

Longhair             Shorthair    

Origin             China    

Stickness:  Happiness:  
Hair loss:  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:Kids Friendly:  
Yes Friendly people:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:  Trainability:  
saliva level :Cold Hardiness:  
Heat Resistance:  Urban Adaptation Degree:  


(Hamster) was discovered in a city near Siberia in 1829, they belong to the rodent (Rodent), the scientific name Rodentia, from the Latin bite (gnawing), which means that the teeth are constantly growing and need to keep grinding. The gacalia hamster and the same species of hamster are also very similar in appearance.

The Standard of Japanese Hamster

Japanese Hamster

Alias: Maple Rat , Pygmy squirrel, first-line rat, dwarf Campo russian rat, Campbell, Campo The hamster's paws are tender red, with nails, 5, and often curled up in the body. Male hamsters will show female caring and loving. He cleaned the newborn hamsters in turn.

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Eastern Baikal, Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Inner Mongolia


The character is the most rambunctious of all, so it needs extra attention.


Weight: male 35~45g/female 30~40g;

Body  length: male 7~12cm, female 6~11cm

Reproduction: Viviparous

Sexual maturity cycle: male 6-8 weeks / female 4-8 weeks

Pregnancy cycle: 18-25 days

Births per litter: 1-10

Year-round mating: Year-round