Position : Home / Pets / Pet Rat


2022-04-29 / 1196 Read

  Alias           East American Chipmunk, American Chipmunk    

  English name           Eastern Chipmunk    

  Weight           56.7 -141.7g    

Size             Medium 

Longhair             Shorthair        

  Origin           Americas    

Stickness:  Happiness:  
hair loss :  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:    Kids Friendly:  
Be kind to strangers:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:  Trainability:  
saliva Degree:  Cold tolerance:  
Heat Resistance:  city Fitness:  

Country of Origin: Americas.

Personality: Generally active during the day, good at climbing trees, burrows are generally made in rock crevices, tree holes, and stone caves, and hibernate in caves during winter.


Weight: 56.7-141.7g

Length: 12.7-16.51cm

Tail Length: 7.62-11.43cm

Diet: Grains, nuts, eggs and insects

Has cheek pouches, with bulging cheeks on either side.

Standard of Chipmunk


Alias: Chipmunk, Chipmunk Generally active during the day, good at climbing trees, burrows are generally made in rock crevices, tree holes, and stone caves, and hibernate in caves during winter.

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