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Venezuela Giant Pink-footed Spider

2022-04-02 / 297 Read

Venezuela Giant Pink-footed Spider Breed Introduction

Venezuelan Giant Pink-footed Spider is a highly popular and impressive species! Even the Amazon giant Bird-eating spiders have a reputation as the world's largest spider, but Some enthusiasts don't think so.

The Venezuelan giant pink-footed was discovered 187 years after the Amazon giant tarantula, so they are not as well understood. Whether or not they are the largest tarantula species in the world, the Venezuelan giant pink-footed is still a huge species of tarantula, with the largest individual ever found reaching an incredible 33cm foot span!

Chinese name: Venezuelan giant pink foot

Latin name: Theraphosa apophysis

Subfamily: Theraphosinae

Origin: Venezuela

Venezuela Giant Pink Foot spiderCharacteristics

The usual view is the largest oneSpider is a Venezuelan giant with pink feet with a 33 cm foot span, and the largest average size is its fellow Amazonian giant tarantula.

Venezuelan giant pink-footed spiderLife habits

In the wild, they are found in burrows 60-70 cm underground. It is impossible for most people to provide such a thick substrate to keep them, and breeders always want to see them, so in captivity can provide a shelter.

Their aggressiveness is average. According to the breeding experience of the stationmaster, they are better at kicking fur, and their fur is much stronger than other species, which is a problem worth noting.

Unfortunately, they are difficult to breed in captivity, and the yield is very small. In addition, the country of origin, Venezuela, has long banned export. It is rare in pets to see them in the market and at a much higher price than other species.

Feeding of the Venezuelan giant pink-footed spider