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Singapore Blue

2022-03-22 / 1026 Read

Singapore BlueVariety Introduction

Singapore BlueSpider (Latin name: Lampropelma violaceopes) is native to Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It used to be a dream species among enthusiasts. In 2001 and 2002, the price of a larvae was as high as 300 to 400 US dollars. Previously considered a newly discovered species and has long appeared in petsunder the name "Cyriopagopus sp. blue" Transaction. However, with the success of artificial breeding, the price has dropped to a level acceptable to the average hobbyist.

Singapore blue spider is the star among Asian tarantulas. The adult body length can reach 20 to 25+ centimeters in foot span. The shiny purple-blue and red hairs match with a relatively large body. It is these factors, combined with the original scarcity, that have made this once dream type.

Singapore blue spider is suitable for temperature of 25-28℃ and suitable humidity of 80%. It is recommended to use moist peat and coconut bricks as the substrate. Like all Asian arboreal species, they move very fast. In addition, nervous nerves are often triggered at the touch of a button, which makes the owner become nervous, for fear that they will come out immediately when the lid of the breeding box is opened. Therefore, to raise this species, it is necessary to provide a bark or a tree hole for shelter.

However, just like other Asian tarantulas, the Singapore blue spider has a "tiger" personality. Generally growing to a body size of 6 to 7 cm or more, they may show their aggressiveness. Combined with high toxicity, aggressiveness, and speed, they are only recommended for "expert" breeders.