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Respect for the tassels

2022-04-30 / 356 Read

Introduction to the species of Jingzhao tassling spider

Chilobrachys jingzhao is a kind of primitive underground cave dwellingSpider is a member of the family Baboaridae, the subfamily Selenocosmiinae, and the genus Selenocosmiinae. Another new species of spider discovered in China in recent years. The Jingzhao tasseled spider has negative phototaxis, and it is nocturnal and nocturnal.

Chinese name: Jingzhao tassel spider

Latin name: Chilobrachys guangxiensis

Origin: China

Habitat type: Tropical Rainforest

Characteristics of Chilobrachys jingzhao

Chilobrachys jingzhao is a primitive type of underground cave dwellingSpiders belong to the family Baboaridae, the subfamily Selenocosmiinae, and the tassels Arachnid is another new species of spider discovered in China in recent years. Its shape is very similar to the Hainan tarantula and the tiger-pattern tarantula. The individual is larger than that of the Hainan tarantula, and the body is yellow-brown. Body length 55~61 mm. The cephalothorax is 25-27 mm long and 23-24 mm wide; the abdomen is 30-34 mm long and 25-26 mm wide. Carapace reddish-brown, densely covered with gray-white fine hairs, with longer hirsute on the edge. Abdomen light brown, with sparse brown long hairs and dense light yellow brown short hairs. The Jingzhao tasseled spider has negative phototaxis, and it is nocturnal and nocturnal. Likes to prey on orthoptera and cockroaches. From December to January of the following year, the eggs are hatched, and one oocyst is laid each time, with 80 to 100 eggs.

Respect for the living habits of the tassel tarantula

The genus tassel tassel is also useful in addition to the Indian cutwormpet the value of tarantula feeding, most of the other species are small in size, monotonous in color, aggressive and relatively The greater toxicity seems to be inappropriate as a pet tarantula.

Feeding method of the tasseled spider