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Peruvian Giant Centipede

2022-03-21 / 431 Read

Peruvian Giant CentipedeVariety Introduction

Peruvian GiantCentipede, the largest 41-42cm, the first pair of centipede feet is hook-shaped, sharp, and the hook end has a venomous gland mouth, commonly known as palatine, claws or poisonous Limbs, etc., can discharge poisonous juices. Mainly distributed in Trinidad Island in the Caribbean Sea, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and other Amazon basin countries and regions in South America.

Chinese name: Peruvian giant centipede

Latin name: Scolopendra Gigantea

Kingdom: Animalia

phylum: Arthropoda

Subphylum: Myriapoda

Class: Myriapoda

Subclass: Labiopoda

Order: Centipedes Order

Family: Centipede

Genus: Arthropoda

Reproduction: Oviparous

Peruvian giant centipedeCharacteristics

Length 30cm up Max 41-42cm in Scolopendra galapagoensis (Galapagos Giantcentipede) was widely believed to be the world's largest Variety, divided into yellow foot type and orange foot type. Yellow-footed individuals have been found in the wild on the island of Curacao in the Netherlands Antilles (The Netherlands Antilles) with a length of 41-42 cm.

Peruvian giant centipedeLife habits


Crickets and other insects.