Texas Brown Tarantula
Adult body length is 13-14 cm, suitable temperature is 28-30 ℃, and suitable humidity is 65%. It is recommended to use moist peat, coconut brick and clay as the substrate. It tak
English name: Panama Golden Retriever
Panama GoldSpider (Latin name: Psalmopoeus pulcher) aka PanamaGolden Retriever spider, native to the tropical rainforest of Panama, is a pet One of the most popular species among tarantula lovers. The breastplate of the adult individual is golden, and the whole body is covered with a layer of red hair, which is extremely noble and beautiful. The juveniles are also beautiful in color, with a black breastplate, pink feet and metallic green belly.
The adult Panama golden spider has a foot span of 15-16 centimeters. They grow very fast. Usually, the juveniles of 2-3 centimeters only need a year to reach a foot span of about 10 centimeters. The attractive colors of adults, so they have a high growth expectation index. Although an arboreal species from the New World, they are not as docile as the pink-toeds of the genus Avicularia. On the contrary, they are more like the gorgeous rain forests of the Poecilotheria genus in the Old World. They are fast and aggressive, and their relative toxicity is also relatively large among pet tarantulas.
The suitable temperature of Panama golden spider is 26~28℃ and the suitable humidity is 85%. It is recommended to use moist peat, coconut brick and clay as the substrate. Whether rearing small hatchlings or large individuals, a piece of bark or a shelter is highly recommended. Because they are also very startled, the problem of running away and running is often a headache for breeders. Therefore, it is not a species suitable for novice breeders to try for the first time.