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Middle East Golden Scorpion

2022-04-28 / 909 Read

Introduction to the species of the Middle Eastern Golden Scorpion

The Middle Eastern Golden Scorpion, genus Scorpion family, vicious, aggressive and neurotic, slow-growing.

Chinese name: Middle East gold Scorpion

Latin name: Scorpio maurus

Alternative   name: Middle East gold Scorpion, Gold Scorpion

World : Animalia

Department   : Arthropoda

Class: Arachnida

Order: Scorpionidae

Family: Scorpionidae

Distribution: Africa and the Middle East. Inhabits dry desert areas

The Middle East Golden ScorpionAppearance characteristics

The body length is about 5-8 cm, and the body color is yellowish brown , dark brown to black, with a relatively short tail. The Middle Eastern golden scorpion has a slender and streamlined body, but it has a pair of powerful large chelicerae, which looks a little asymmetrical. There are more than a dozen subspecies of the Middle Eastern golden scorpion. This article only lists two, one is Scorpio maurus palmatus (pictured), another subspecies is Scorpio maurus fuscus.

Middle East Golden ScorpionLife Habits

The natural habitat is very wide, including deserts, grasslands, rock belts, etc., so this species can Adapted to a variety of terrains and climates, the caves they live in range from 20 to 70 cm deep, but according to records, some scholars have found that their wild caves can be excavated to a depth of 80 cm underground. It is very easy to raise in artificial environments, but difficult to breed. During feeding, the temperature is kept at about 24-30°C during the day, and can be lowered to about 10-15°C at night; the humidity can be maintained at about 75-80%.

The feeding method of the Middle Eastern golden scorpion