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Haiti Coffee Bird-Eating Spider

2022-05-05 / 362 Read

Haitian coffee bird-eating spider species introduction

Haiti coffee bird-eating spiderSpider (Latin name: Phormictopus cancerides), also known as Dominican Republic blue spider, native to Haiti, Brazilian rainforest, one of the classic pet tarantula species. One of the giant pet tarantula species produced in the Caribbean, the adult size can exceed 20 cm foot span. The species of Phormictopus, like the species of Pamphobeteus, are also more colorful in adult males than in females.

Chinese name: Haitian coffee bird

Latin name: Phormictopus cancerides

Alternative name   : Dominican Republic blue spider

Kingdom: animal circles

Haiti coffee bird-eating spiderLife habits

Their larvae eat a lot and grow faster. At about 5 to 6 cm, their carapace turns purple with a metallic sheen, and the same metallic color begins to appear on their feet. Overall, this is also a pet birder with both size and beauty spider species. However, after a certain size, they can be somewhat aggressive, and their stinging hair is considered to be relatively useful to people, so we classify it as an advanced species.