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Bolivian red-tailed spider

2022-04-20 / 889 Read

Bolivian red-tailed spider species introduction

Bolivian red-tailed spider (Latin name : Acanthoscurria chacoana), also known as Bolivian salmon fish pink spider, native to Bolivia, Argentina, the most famous of the Acanthoscurria genus are naturally the Brazilian white knee and the Brazilian giant white knee, but the next one should be the Bolivian red tail. This is also a pet tarantula species with both size and color. They may be able to break through a foot spread of 20 cm.

Their larvae are indeed very small, maybe even a centimeter, and the gray-white ones are the same as those of the Brazilian white knee. However, thinking about the size they can achieve in the future naturally makes their growth expectations greatly increase.

Life habits of Bolivian red-tailed spider

Like most other species of the same genus, Bolivian redtails can be aggressive above a certain size, and the increase in the amount of stinging hair also allows them to kick more at once. These are all issues to be aware of. Bolivian red tail is less visible in the pet market than the Brazilian white knee A lot, so they are usually more expensive.