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Tibetan Hound

2022-04-05 / 426 Read

  Alias           Tibet, Sleeve Dog, Court Dog, Prayer Dog    

  English name           Tibetan Spaniel   

  Weight           (Male) 4-7kg      (Female) 4-7kg    

Size             (Male) 24.5-25.5cm      (Female) 24.5-25.5cm    

  Origin           China Tibet    

Stickness:  Happiness:  
Hair loss:  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:    Kids Friendly:  
Be kind to strangers:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:  Trainability:  
saliva Degree:  Cold tolerance:  
Heat Resistance:  city Fitness:  

Tibetan Hound


Just as a name for hunting, but they were never used for hunting. Legend has it that in Tibet they were often used as "praying dogs", always following around the parchment-covered prayer carts of monks. For centuries, they have been companion dogs in monasteries and as watch dogs. Anatomically similar to the Pekingese, this long-legged, long-faced breed rarely suffers from breathing and back problems. This dog is independent, confident, and a satisfying companion.

A breed very similar to the Tibetan Spaniel existed in what is now South Korea in the 8th century AD. But it is not very clear that it was not passed down from Tibet, China.

FCI Standard of Tibetan Spaniel

Tibetan Hound

Alias: Tibet , Sleeve Dog, Court Dog, Prayer Dog Happy and confident, the Tibetan Spaniel is very intelligent and avoids strangers. Easy to get along with children, it is a good family pet. Defect: Neuroticism. Although the Tibetan hound has the name of the hound, it does not have the reality of hunting.

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