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Stuffed Hound

2022-03-15 / 610 Read

Alias Sussex Spaniel

English name Sussex Spaniel

Weight (Male) Approx. 22kg (Female) Approx. 22kg

Size (Male) 38-41cm (Female) 38-41cm

Origin United Kingdom

Stickness: Happiness:
hair loss : Body Odor:
Beauty Frequency: Kids Friendly:
Be kind to strangers: Animal Friendly:
Amount of exercise: Trainability:
saliva Degree: Cold tolerance:
Heat Resistance: city Fitness:

Stuffed Hound


The Seth Hound takes its name from Sussex, England, where the first litter was the largest The most important dog was from Mr. Fowler, and it was Fowler who bred the bright golden reddish-brown color that permanently distinguished this dog. The dog's competition in Britain can be traced back to the 1862 Dog Show at Christopher Palace.

Early in the development of the Seth Hound, it was used in England for certain types of caracal hunting in complex areas. At that time people were accustomed to hunting on foot, and this dog became a satisfactory hunting companion. However, this dog has not been introduced to other countries except England, which may be because the hunting conditions it faces at home are far different from those in foreign countries, so that it does not reach the speed of sudden hunting that a hound should have. Although the Sussex lacks the speed of a dog, it has a very good snout and perseverance, making it valuable for all kinds of highland hunting.

It has a habit of making noises when it smells odors. In temperament it is a perfectly normal dog, it is not difficult to train, and when properly trained it can make an excellent hunting dog.

The body is rectangular in shape and looks very long and short, with a very heavy build and a stretched, free gait with a nice tail movement. Its expression is very melancholy and very serious. What is special about this breed is that it has a lot of golden liver color.

FCI Standard for Streakers Says Hound

Alias: Sussex Spaniel, Sussex Relatively laid-back, quieter, and more suitable for city apartment living than other spaniels. Whether out hunting or sleeping at home, they all want to be part of the family.

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