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Stafffordshire Terrier

2022-04-17 / 1177 Read
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Staffordshire Terrier Breed Introduction

American Staffordshire Terrier, he has too many aliases, this dog is medium in size, produced in the United States, with a long appearance and The Pitbull is so similar that some people call it Pitbull or Bull Terrier.

In fact, the Staffordshire Terrier originated in Staffordshire, England in the nineteenth century, by British BulldogDog It is bred with certain English Terriers. However, after the dog was introduced into the United States, it was improved by dog breeders, and it became a shape with increased weight and a larger head, and was named the American Staffordshire Terrier on January 1, 1972.

Chinese name: Staffordshire Terrier

Chinese alias: Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier

English name: staffordshire bull terrier

Kingdom: Animalia

phylum: Chordate

Subphylum: Vertebrate subphylum

Class: Mammalia

Subclass: Eutheria

Order: Carnivora

Suborder: Canines

Family: Canidae

Genus: Canis

Breed: Domestic Dog

Origin: England

Type: Medium-sized dog

Subspecies: American Staffordshire Terrier

Distribution: As early as 1870, this dog appeared in the United States, where they were known as pit bulls and bull terriers Famous, later known as the American Bull Terrier, then later known as the Jacques Hard.

Staffordshire TerrierCharacteristics

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a cross between other dogs, so its The lifespan is relatively short. This dog is loyal to the owner and can live in peace with children. Therefore, it is also very suitable for family breeding. It is full of murderous aura and vigorous, and will fight to the end in order to defeat the enemy. The sense of smell is amazing, and it can distinguish whether the intention of visiting strangers is good or evil.

The general impression of American Staffordshire is that they are strong, compact, muscular, lively, enthusiastic, and like the environment in which they live. The shape is sturdy, but the legs should not be too long, which is not in harmony with the shape. Very courageous.

The shortcomings of the American Staffordshire Terrier are also obvious and common. First of all, they are famous for their love of playing rascals, especially male dogs. Die, whatever you do, you can't get up. This will make people laugh and cry. In addition, male dogs will basically salivate when they see other adult female dogs. This sexuality is a bit eye-opening.

Staffordshire TerrierFeeding methods

For beginners, feeding an American Staffordshire Terrier should When you feel in a hurry and don't know the basic situation of dog , then you will not be able to judge his health status. Dogs are the most loyal and good friends of human beings. Since you have a dog, you should treat it well. In addition to providing it with a balanced and reasonable diet, you should also ensure its health. The following small series will share with you ten indicators of the health of the American Staffordshire Terrier.

1. A healthy dog's ears should be cold, and if the ears are hot, it is a fever. Ear holes are brown or dirty black, and there are sticky things, which are all signs of unhealthy health.

2. Whether the eyes are clear and piercing, and excessive eye stains should be paid attention to.

3. The nose of a normal dog is cold and wet except when sleeping and just waking up. Check your nose carefully for runny nose.

4. No fishy mouth like fish It is normal for the mucous membrane in the mouth to be pink.

5. The teeth should be neat and the bite is normal. Watch out for rotten teeth and red, swollen gums.

6. Healthy and lively dogs often wag their tails. Different dog breeds have their own tail characteristics. Check whether its tail has those characteristics.

7. The anus is tightly closed and no filth is attached. If you see it often mopping the floor with its anus, it means that there may be parasites in its belly.

8. Whether the coat is clean and shiny, especially for long-haired dogs, pluck the hair to see if there is eczema, and pat the dog's hair to see if there is dander falling. Dogs with a lot of dander must be has a problem.

9. The limbs should be firm and strong, and will not stumble when walking. Pay attention to check whether the inside of the leg is clean and the toenails are not too long.

10. The physique should be strong and packed with plump muscles. It will feel heavier than expected when you hold it up.