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Skye Terrier

2022-04-27 / 179 Read

  Alias           Skye Terrier    

  English name           Skye Terrier    

  Weight           (Male) 10-12kg      (Female) 9-11kg    

  Size           (Male) 25-26cm      (Female) 23-25cm    

  Origin           United Kingdom, Scotland    

Stickness:  Happiness:  
hair loss :  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:  Kids Friendly:  
Yes Friendly people:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise:  Trainability:  
saliva level :  Cold Hardiness:  
Heat Resistance:  Urban Adaptation Degree:  

Skye Terrier


Dogs have been popular for centuries, At one time it was a privileged dog in the royal courts of Scotland and England. It is said that Scotland's most famous Bobbi, also known as the Skye Terrier. In the mid-19th century, for 14 years after his owner's death, despite the good care he was given, Poppy went to his owner's favorite coffee house every day until he died of old age. A memorial statue was erected in memory of the dog near Greyfriar's church in Edinburgh, Scotland. Skye terriers tend to bite when provoked, so they are not suitable for children, but they are extremely loyal to their owners. This extra-long-haired Skye Terrier is named after its native Scottish Hebrides. At one time it was widely used to hunt down otters, badgers and weasels. Now a popular companion dog in town.

Skye Terrier


Origin : Scotland

Alias: Skye Terrier

English name: Skye Terrier

Life: 12-15 years

Skye Terrier


is a An elegant and noble dog. The typical work terrier is brave, burrowing, patient, strong, and agile. Brave, good-natured, loyal. It is friendly and warm to acquaintances, reserved and wary of strangers. Not suitable for children's companions. It is suitable for urban life and can adapt to cold climates. Not easy to train, but would make an excellent guard dog.

Compendium of Pets: Details of Soft Wheat Terrier

FCI Standard

Head (head, face, eyes, ears, nose, mouth , muzzle, jaw, teeth)

Head: Long, strong and powerful, strength is considered more important than length.

Eyes: Tan, ideally dark tan, medium in size, closely spaced, radiant with life, intelligent.

Ears: Symmetrical, finely feathered, both drop and erect. Ears erect, medium in size, set high on the skull, erect on the outer edge of the skull, with the tips of the ears slightly wider than the distance from the skull; drop ears, large, set low, flattened. The back of the skull is moderately broad, tapering forward until it meets the muzzle.

Nose: The bridge of the nose is elongated. The dark kiss is moderately rich. The chin is strong and powerful. Flesh or tan is not up to par with the nose.

Mouth: Scissors or horizontal bite, or slightly overbite.

Trunk (neck, chest, ribs, waist and back, front of torso, skin)

Neck: long, well arched Shaped, held high, with pride.

Topline: Horizontal.

Trunk: Long and low body, deep chest, oval ribs. The sides are a little flat on the sides due to the rich coat, which hangs straight down.

Limbs (Forerunners, Shoulders, Upper Limbs, Bone Joints, Nails, Feet, Hindquarters, Thighs, Hocks, Knuckles, and Hock Nails)

Forequarters: The shoulders are set back and the scapula is compact at the withers. Elbows close to the sides of the torso with a moderate amount of tension. The upper arms are slightly bent at the chest. The front legs are short, muscular and as straight as possible.

HINDQUARTERS: Strong and full, well developed and well angled. The legs are short, muscular and straight from the rear, with the feet in line with the front feet.

Feet: Large, rabbit-shaped feet, ideally pointed forward. The pads are thick, the toes are strong, and the ideal colour is black.


Tail: Long, well-furnished, when suspended, the upper part of the tail hangs down the line of the rump, and the lower part of the tail bends back in a moderate arch , but not coiled or curled. Level with topline when tail is lifted. Although it is not acceptable to raise the tail when the dog is agitated or angry, it is permissible if such a posture is caused only by agitation. But the height of the tail should not always exceed the level of the back or hang limply.


Gait: When walking, the legs are extended straight forward. When advancing, the front legs form a continuous straight line. The distance between the feet is as long as the distance between the hocks. When walking forward in a straight line, the hind leg is the main driving force, and the front leg moves forward well but not too high. The whole movement can be described like this: lively, effortlessly, presenting a fluid picture.


A flesh-colored or brown nose is not eligible.