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2022-03-29 / 497 Read

  Alias           Hipakai    

  English name           Schipperke    

  Weight           (Male) 5.4-7.3kg      (Female) 5.4-7.3kg    

  Size            (Male) 25.5-30.5cm      (Female) 25.5-30.5cm    

  Origin           Belgium    

Stickness:  Happiness:  
Hair loss:  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:    Kids Friendly:  
Be kind to strangers:  Animal Friendly:  
Amount of exercise: Trainability:  
saliva Degree:  Cold tolerance:  
Heat Resistance:  city Fitness:  


Schipperke is a Flemish word for "little captain" or "boat ride". It is bred to guard the canal boats and catch rats on the riverside of the Belgian low-lying belt. The appearance of the dog looks very rough, and the name should also symbolize the dog's dark coat and military-like meticulous behavior.

Originated in Flanders. For centuries, no similar species has appeared. It is said that the Xipakai dog is the descendant of the now extinct, and there are also legends that this dog is the descendant of the north, or this is a hybrid dog of a monkey and a dog. It has been loved by people since ancient times. Considered one of the Belgian domestic dog breeds.

Small in size, the shipakai's thick, thick mane can stand upside down when excited. The dog's waist looks round, because there is no tail. Possibly inherited from the ancestral Spitz giving it a strong stature and erect ears.

The smallest of the Spitz family, it has a striking appearance despite its small size. The outer coat is long, coarse, and very dense, with a ring of hair on the neck. According to US standards, only black breeds are accepted, while other countries allow other colors to appear.

Due to its small breed, it was originally used as a guard dog in cargo holds or yachts. Perhaps to encourage cargo crews to work hard, "Schipek" means "small cargo man" in Flemish.

FCI Standard for Schubbies


Alias: West Parkai The Schuph is an inquisitive dog, interested in everything around him, and an excellent, faithful watchdog. Have reservations about strangers and be ready to protect your family and property if necessary.

Click to enter the Schubbler Club




He is curious, interested in everything around him, and an excellent, loyal watchdog. Have reservations about strangers and be ready to protect your family and property if necessary. He displays a confident and independent personality, reflecting the breed's origins as a watchdog and vermin hunter.

FCI Standard:

(1) Dimensions Males are about 11-13 inches tall at the shoulders; females are about 10-12 inches tall. Quality is always more important than mere size. Scale: Square outline. Physique: Stout.

(2) Head Features Expression: The expression appears confused, mischievous, reckless and alert, but never mean or rude. A well-proportioned head, paired with the right eyes and ears, gives him a characteristic expression.

Skull: The skull is medium in width, narrowing slightly towards the muzzle. Viewed in profile (if the ears are set back), the head is slightly rounded. The upper jaw is slightly plump under the eyes, so when viewed from above, the head forms a wedge shape, tapering smoothly from the back of the head to the tip of the nose. The stop is clear, but not prominent. The length of the muzzle is slightly less than the length of the skull.

Eyes: Ideally, the eyes are small, oval rather than round, dark brown, and positioned forward on the head.

Ears: The ears are small, triangular, set high on the head, and, when he pays attention, the ears are erect. Lop ears (one or two) are disqualified.

Nose: Small and black.

Bite: The bite must be a scissors bite or a pincer bite. Any deviation is a serious flaw.

(3) Physical Characteristics Neck: The neck is of medium length, slightly arched, and of the correct proportions, so that it produces the correct outline when at rest. Topline: The topline is level or slightly sloping from the withers to the croup. The upright collar increases the slant, making the shoulder blades appear higher than the hips.

BODY: The chest is broad and deep, extending to the elbows. Ribs well supported (oval), broad behind the shoulder blades, tapering towards the thorax. The forechest protrudes forward, beyond the shoulder blades, between the front legs. The loin is short, muscular and moderately raised. The rump is broad and very rounded, with a docked tail. It looks like there is no tail.

1. Forequarters:

The shoulder blades are sloping back, viewed from the front, the front legs start from the body and extend straight down. Viewed from the side, the front legs are well positioned under the torso. The flanks are short, thick and strong, but very flexible, slightly sloping when viewed from the side. Dewclaws usually need to be removed. The feet are small, round and thick. Nails are short, strong and black.

2. Hindquarters

The hindquarters appear slightly lighter than the forequarters, but are well muscled and in proper proportion to the forequarters. The hocks are low and the rear knee is moderately flexed. Excessive angle is a defect. Viewed from behind, the hind legs appear very straight starting at the hips and passing through the hocks to the feet. Dewclaws usually need to be removed. (

(4) Coat characteristic style: The adult dog's coat is very special. It must have several different natural lengths to form a special style. Face, ears, front of forelegs and hocks Coat short; body coat is medium length, while collar, cape, chest and 'culottes' are long. Collar starts behind ears and extends around the entire neck; cape is evident from the collar Extends outward, fully covered on the front of the chest and down to the middle of the front legs. The hairs below the middle of the back (starting at the back of the shawl and extending to the buttocks) lie flat against the body. These hairs are slightly shorter than the shawl, but two The hair is slightly longer on the sides and sides of the legs. The hair on the back of the hind legs forms "culottes" and is the same length as the collar. The lack of clear distinction in coat length is a serious defect, as this is an essential feature of the breed. Texture: Coat is rich, straight, with a slightly coarse texture. Soft undercoat, shorter undercoat on the body, and thicker around the neck, forming an erect collar. Silky hair, overcoat length over the body 3 inches, or a very short and coarse coat is wrong.

Trimming: Since the Slapper is a natural breed, only the whiskers, the hair on the paws, and the hair between the toes can be Trimming is not permitted elsewhere.

Color: The outer coat is black in color, any color other than the natural black is disqualified. Undercoat, may be slightly lighter in color. During moulting The coat may be slightly reddish for a short period of time during the season, and if severe enough to alter his overall black appearance, it may be punished. Gray due to old age (7 years or older), and occasional white coat, are not considered Defects.

(5) Gait Characteristics The correct action of the Schubbich should be a smooth, very neat and graceful trot (basically, at moderate speed, a double track), and when the speed is increased, in order to Balanced, feet tending to draw in towards centerline of body. Front and rear well coordinated, forequarters well stretched, hindquarters well driven. Topline level, or slightly downward sloping from withers to rump. Viewed from the front, The elbows are kept close to the body. The front legs form a straight line from the shoulder blades, through the elbows to the toes, and the feet are straight forward. The hind legs start at the hips, pass the hocks to the balls of the feet, form a straight line, and the feet are straight forward.