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2022-04-19 / 1294 Read

  Alias           Samoyed, Samoyed    

  English name           Samoyed    

  Weight           (Male) 20-27 kg      (Female) 20-27 kg    

  Size           (Male) 53-60cm      (Female) 48-53cm    

  Origin             Russia    

  Price           3000-5000 yuan    

Stickness:  Happiness:
Hair loss:  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:Kids Friendly:  
Yes Friendly people:  Animal Friendly:
Amount of exercise:  Trainability:  
saliva level :Cold Hardiness:  
Heat Resistance:  Urban Adaptation Degree:  



The name Samoyed comes from the Samoyed tribe of northern Russia and Siberia. In the southern part of the region, the Samoyed tribes use white, black and brown, variegated dogs as reindeer hunters. In the northern regions, this dog is pure white, docile, and is usually used as a hunting and sled dog. Samoyeds live close to their owners, and they even sleep with their owners to keep each other warm. British zoologist Ernest Crippon Scott spent three months with the Samoyed tribe in 1889. When he returned to England, he brought back a brown male puppy called "Sabaca". Later, he introduced a milky white bitch named "White Pechora" from the west of the Ural Mountains, and a snow-white male dog named "Musti" from Siberia. These few dogs and those brought back by explorers are the foundation of the Western Samoyed. The first standard was written in England in 1909.



Northern Russia and Siberia

English name: Samoyed

Function: sled dog, companion dog

Lifespan: 12-15 years



Smart, refined, loyal, adaptable, alert, active, hot In service, friendly but conservative. Dogs are running animals. They like and need exercise to maintain their health and Samoyed nature. They must not be kept in the house for a long time or in a pen with a limited range of activities.

General Appearance: A medium-sized, elegant white Arctic Spitz. Externally, it gives an impression of strength, endurance, charm, obedience, nobility and confidence. The so-called "Samoyed smile" is a combination of the outline and posture of the eyes, and a slight curve above the corners of the mouth. Its gender is clearly marked.

Important proportions: about 5% longer than shoulder height. The depth of the body is slightly less than half the height at the withers. The snout is about as long as the skull.

Behavior and Temperament: Friendly, outgoing, alert and lively. The hunting instinct is weak. Neither timid nor aggressive. Live in groups and cannot be used as guard dogs.

Head: Strong and wedge-shaped.

Skull: Viewed from the front, the outline is only slightly convex. The widest between the ears. There are slight visible wrinkles between the eyes.

Stop: Well defined, but not very prominent.

Nose: Well developed, black preferred. During certain times of the year, the nose's pigment fades into what's called a "winter nose"; there must be dark pigment on the edges of the nose anyway.

Mouth: Strong and deep, about as long as the skull, tapering gradually towards the nose, neither impatient nor heavy, square. The bridge of the nose is straight.

Lip: Close fit, black and fairly full. The corners of the mouth are slightly curved, creating the characteristic "Samoyed smile".

Lower jaw/teeth: Regular, full scissors bite. Teeth and jaws are strong. Standard tooth system.

Eyes: Dark brown, well set in the sockets, well set, slightly sloping, almond shaped. The expression is "smiling", friendly, alert and intelligent. The eye rims are black.

Ears: Erect, small, thick, triangular, slightly rounded at the tip. Ambulatory, set high; properly spaced due to its broad skull.

Neck: Powerful, of medium length, arrogant in bearing.

Body: Slightly longer than shoulder-to-ground height, deep and compact, but soft.

Shoulders: Well defined.

Back: Moderately long, muscular and straight; females slightly longer than males.

Loin: Short, strong and well defined.

Rump: Full, strong, muscular, slightly sloping.

Chest: Broad, deep and long, almost reaching the elbows. Ribs are well spread.

Emphasis: Roll up moderately.

Tail: Slightly higher. When the dog is alert and in motion, the tail is bent forward from the base to the back or ribs, while at rest the tail hangs down and extends to the hind legs.

Forequarters General: Well arranged, well muscled and strong boned. Seen from the front, straight and parallel.

Shoulders: Long, firm, sloping.

Upper Arm: Sloped close to the body. About as long as the shoulders.

Elbows: Close to the body.

Carpus: Strong and supple.

Metacarpal bone (plastic bone): slightly oblique.

Forefeet: Oval in shape, with long toes, supple and straight forward. The toes are arched and not too tightly bound. Elastic foot pads.

HIND OVERVIEW: Viewed from behind, the hind legs are straight and parallel, with very strong muscles.

Thighs: Medium length, fairly broad and well muscled.

Back Knee: Well angular.

Hip: Low and well angular.

Metatarsals: Short, strong, vertical and parallel.

Backfoot: Same as forefoot. Upper claws trimmed off.

Gait: Powerful, with a free and untiring appearance for long strides. The front legs are well stretched and the rear legs are powerfully driven.

Hair: Extremely rich, thick, pliable, dense polar epidermis. Samoyeds have two coats: the lower coat is short, soft, and dense; the outer coat is longer, rougher, and straight. The coat forms a collar around the neck and shoulders to frame the head, especially in male dogs. On the front of the head and legs, the hair is short and smooth; on the outside of the ears, the hair is short, distant and smooth. Inside the ears, there are good soft fur. On the back of the thigh, the hair forms the trousers. There should be a protective coat of hair growing between the toes. The tail should be covered with abundant fur. The epidermal texture of females tends to be shorter and softer than that of males. A good coat texture always has a special shiny sheen.

Color: Pure white, cream or hazel. (The base color is white with some hazel stripes). There must be no dark brown impression.


Shoulder height: Ideal height: male 57 cm (3 cm tolerance), female 53 cm (3 cm tolerance).

Disadvantages: Deviations from any of the above should be considered defects, and the severity of the defect should be judged proportional to its level.

Obvious structural defects.

Bone light.

The males are not strong and the females are not delicate.

Plier bite.

Yellow eyes.

The ears are soft.

A cylindrical rib strip.

Bend the twisted tail.

Low legs.

Very bent legs, or weak hind legs.

The coat is all curly or short, long, soft, or drooping.

Aloof and unapproachable.

Severe Defects:

A clear unpigmented area around the eyes or lips.

Excludeable defects:

Blue eyes or other different colors.

Overbite or underbite.

The ears are not erect.

Different from the standard allowed fur color.

A timid or aggressive disposition.

Note.: Males should have two distinct testicles that sink into the scrotum.