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Samoyed | Samoyed Breed Introduction

Samoyed (English: Samoyed) is a work canines. Originated in Russia, it is named after the Siberian herders of the Samoan people. It is famous for its endurance and robust physique, so European explorers have used this dog to pull sleds for expedition work in the North and South Pole. Alert, powerful, very lively, noble and refined. Because it is a working dog in cold regions, it has a very thick coat that can withstand all climatic conditions. Its Satsuma-style smile may represent the actual character of this dog, that is, calm, fine, cheerful, and friendly to people. At the end of the 19th century, fur traders imported this dog into the United States and Europe in order to obtain fur profits, and were widely bred and multiplied all over the world.

Samoyed/Samoyed Moyer's Species Distribution

Samoyed Named after the Siberian herders of the Samoans, who were used to pull sleds and guard reindeer. Samoyeds are known for their endurance and robust build. European explorers used this dog for expedition work in the North and South Pole. This dog has many coat colors, generally black, black and white, black and tan, and finally white coat breeds Predominant.

For many years, the history and legends of the Samoyed have been as fascinating as this dog. The story begins in the Iranian plateau, the earliest human settlement, where the powerful tribes drove the weaker tribes (along with their families, livestock and dogs) to great distances to ensure they had enough food. The expelled tribes continued their journey north, through China, one of the world's cultural centers, to the vast tundra between the White Sea and the Yesenyi River. They found it safe behind a natural barrier of ice and snow. These are the Samoyeds, the earliest inhabitants of the Seyates. The Samoyed are considered a transitional ethnic group from the pure-blooded Mongols and Finns. Here, they have been living a nomadic life, herding reindeer. Samoyeds keep dogs to help them herd reindeer and keep dogs with them.

Through the centuries, Samoyeds have remained purebreds. Of all modern dog breeds, the Samoyed is one of the closest to the original, but has no mixed wolf or fox blood. The arctic sun and snow give the Samoyed a white, icy coat. Long-term relationships with people give Samoyeds an incredible understanding. Being a protector rather than a killer of reindeer makes the Samoyed unique. The joyous, childish disposition of the original inhabitants is found in every Samoyed.

The origins of the Samoyed/Samoyed

For many years, the history and legends of the Samoyed have been as fascinating as this dog. The story begins in the Iranian plateau, the earliest human settlement, where the powerful tribes drove the weaker tribes (along with their families, livestock and dogs) to great distances to ensure they had enough food. The expelled tribes continued their journey north, through China, one of the world's cultural centers, to the vast tundra between the White Sea and the Yesenyi River. They found it safe behind a natural barrier of ice and snow. These are the Samoyeds, the earliest inhabitants of the Seyates. Samoyeds are considered a transitional race between pure-blooded Mongols and Finns. Here, they have been living a nomadic life, herding reindeer. Samoyeds keep dogs to help them herd reindeer, pull sleds, and keep dogs with them.

Through the centuries, the Samoyed has remained purebred. Of all modern dog breeds, the Samoyed is one of the closest to the original, but has no mixed wolf or fox blood. The Arctic sun and ice and snow give the Samoyed a white, icy coat. The long-term relationship with people gives the Samoyed an incredible understanding. Being a protector of reindeer rather than a killer makes the Samoyed unique. The joyous, childish disposition of the original inhabitants is found in every Samoyed.

Long time with people doesn't make the Samoyed pampered. As a working dog, the Samoyed maintains an unbeatable record on polar expeditions. The sled dogs of the early polar expeditions (9 male dogs, average weight 26.63 kg; 9 female dogs, average weight 22.91 kg) worked day in and day out under extremely harsh conditions. Although they have to pull the equivalent of one and a half times their body weight, they are still happy and carefree, which is the typical character of the Samoyed. Every expedition, Jackson-Harmsworth, theDuc d'Abruzzi, Borchqrevink, Shackleton, Scott (Scott) and most famously Ward. Amurdsen (Roald Amurdsen) successfully reached the South Pole in 1911, these are the history of the Samoyed added a glorious touch.

In less than 100 years of being brought into the UK, the Samoyed has been the center of attention at every dog show. Queen Alexandra was very fond of the dog, and today there are descendants of her Samoyed in many breeders in the UK and the US. There are now Samoyeds all over the world. The Siberian-born Samoyed crossed the equator safely and remained healthy in the snow and ice of Antarctica. The Samoyed returned from the Antarctic expedition to endure the Australian sun and returned to England, where he made his home.

Physiological indicators of Samoyed/Samoyed

At birth——14oz-18oz (0.8kg-1kg)

1 week---1.5lb-2lb (1.3kg-1.8kg)

2 weeks---2lb-3lb (1.8kg-2.7kg)

3 weeks————3lbs-4lbs (2.7kg-3.6kg)

4 weeks——4lbs-5lbs (3,6kg- 5.6 lbs)

5 weeks -- 5 lbs-8 lbs (5.6 lbs-7.25 lbs)

6 weeks -- 7.75 lbs-8.75 lbs (7 jin-7.9 jin)

7 weeks --- 9 lbs-12 lbs (8.1 jin-10.8 jin)

8 weeks --- 11 lbs-14 lbs (10kg-12.7kg)

Samoyed weight standard after 3 months: (male and female dogs) 3 months 7.5--12.5kg

4 months 11.5--18.5 Kilogram

5 months 15.5--25.5kg

6 months 15.5--28.5kg

7--August weight basically stopped growing 


Samoyed Has a very striking appearance, strong build but not troublesome: snow-white fur, smiling face and black and intelligent eyes, known as the smiling angel, is a very beautiful dog . Very strong and fast, the Samoyed is an excellent guard dog, but is gentle and friendly, a dog that doesn't cause trouble, but keeps his ground.

Many families in modern times like to keep Samoyed dogs, because this kind of dog is very good at maintaining the relationship between neighbors. Although Samoyed has a good physique, it never provokes "others" easily, including: other pets  and crowds. When encountering other "people", it always stays quietly and quietly, as long as the other party does not provoke it, it will not take the initiative to provoke it.

For humans, it is rare to put their paws on people's bodies like other dog breeds that are close to humans. It is speculated that it is because humans do not like to keep dogs It stands up at every turn to show affection, so the Samoyed gradually becomes quiet in the long-term breeding. Of course, this is just a guess by some people in the circle, and the most important thing is still their nature. Although Samoyeds have exuberant energy, they never like to yell when they have something to do, so even in urban families, they will not bark constantly to disturb neighbors to rest in protest of loneliness and boredom. But they are likely to turn the house upside down out of curiosity or boredom. But compared to the constant shouting, the owner of course would rather go home and pack his things than go to the door with a fruit basket to apologize.

Samoyed | SamoyedLifestyle

Samoyed like to live in groups by nature, in the endless white snow, there is always a head of Samoyed leading a group and will dominate and govern them . The leadership of a Samoyed is usually represented by the following specific actions: such as allowing oneself but not allowing the other party to inspect the genitals of other Samoyeds, and not allowing the other Samoyed to urinate in the place where the other Samoyed urinated. The other party can shake his head, wag his tail, be naughty, sit or lie down in front of the leader, and only stand when the leader leaves. After the level advantage is clear, the hostile state disappears and they become friends. Therefore, the owner should set up the image of the leader and not be too coddled, so that the Samoyed thinks it is the head dog.

The Samoyed has a strong sense of territory and is used to marking its "sphere of influence" with pee. In the field of Samoyed, it can be very high-spirited, but once it goes to unfamiliar places, especially places with strong dog and cat smell, it has no courage. This is often seen when it gets close to the animal hospital, it refuses to move forward, or trembles, or even drools with nervousness. Therefore, it often takes itself as the center, uses its own scent to mark the boundaries, and updates it frequently. A territory can only belong to one or two Samoyeds or the entire dog group.

Samoyed | SamoyedAdvantages and disadvantages

1. Advantages

(1) Cute  

1. All white hair;

2. Big eyes;

3. Very personality Mild;

4. Kind and friendly;

5. Has a "Samoyed smile".

(2) Smart

1. Naturally intelligent, full of trust in people, whoever asks him to get close;

2. He never quarrels with other dogs, only other dogs bully him. When he goes out for a walk, other puppies often yell at him, and he also wagging his tail friendly;

3. Every time If there is a guest coming, as long as he hears the door ringing, he will run over and call you until you open the door. If a familiar guest is downstairs, if you let him down, he will run down to pick up the guest and take the guest to the ground. If the guest walks slowly, he will look back, and he will continue to go when the guest gets up. front strap.

4. Can understand what you say. But for my own benefit, sometimes I just don't listen. Once my husband was on a business trip and no one took him for a walk. I saw that he was uncomfortable and took him out. For a few days, in order to prevent him from rushing forward, I held him tightly when he was about to rush. As a result, when my husband came back and took him out, we met on the road. When I called him, he looked away. I didn't hear him at first, so he didn't even pay attention to some calls. Later, my colleague felt strange and called him. He immediately ran over to express his friendliness.

5. Every time before taking him out, as long as you change clothes, he will run around happily and make a lot of anxious sounds in his mouth.

2. Disadvantages

(1) Selfish

1. One is to bury one’s head when going out To rush forward, secondly, he has a good friend, but the master will ignore him when he asks him, thirdly, he wants you to take him out, and when you don't do it, he will act like a child and lose his temper when he sleeps on the ground.

(2) Unacceptable loneliness

Not that kind of guard dog, he wants someone to accompany him all the time, if there is no one at home, okay, go home Look at his masterpiece, the floor is full of items he drags and bites, the purpose is for you to treat him better, more victorious, and pull the urine in the living room (because usually when there are people at home, all the rooms are his The site has never been forbidden for him to pass through. Only when there is no one at home, will the door be closed and the living room will be reserved for him to move around.) Usually, when there is someone at home, he will go to the toilet to pull it, and then ask you to wash it.

Samoyed | SamoyedFeeding methods

In different stages of puppy development, the growth ability of each part of the body is not Balanced. In the first 3 months after birth, the main body grows and the body weight increases. From the 4th month to the 6th month, the main body length grows, and after the 7th month, the main body height increases, which depends on the different developmental stages of the dog. Nutrients are required, determine the type and amount of feed to be fed. After the puppy is separated from the bitch and enters an independent life, it must be done regularly and quantitatively throughout the growth and development period.

The first day of birth

The above standard is for large dogs. After the puppy is full, there is still food left in the food bowl, indicating that there is too much food; on the contrary, if the dog continues to lick the food bowl or looks at the owner after eating, it means that the food given is too little and not enough. Note: The feed fed to the puppies must be of high quality and fresh, prepared separately, and fed freshly (except for commercial food), and pay attention to hygiene to prevent gastrointestinal diseases. The owner of the puppies should feed the dog by himself, and should set a fixed location every day, and do not give any food during non-feeding time to prevent the dog from developing bad habits. And carefully observe the performance of the puppies eating, especially during the group raising period, to prevent a few puppies from overeating and overeating, causing other puppies to not have enough to eat and eat unevenly. Because the puppy's digestive function is weak, the food should not be too hard at the beginning, and some rotten (processed) food should be fed more. Do not feed hard or too cold food such as bones too early, so as not to affect the development of the dog.

Food suitable for puppies

(1) Special food for puppies: such as dog food and canned.

(2) Calcium: Supplement calcium products with high natural content to promote the development of puppies' bones and teeth.

(3) Milk powder for puppies: There is special goat milk powder for puppies.

(4) Egg yolk: The advantage of egg yolk is that it is not only rich in protein, but also contains easily digested and absorbed vitamin A, calcium and minerals.

(5) Vitamins and minerals: For puppies with poor constitution, consider supplementing some vitamins and minerals.

(6) Meat: Although cows, pigs, chickens, etc. are good food, when feeding puppies, it is advisable to choose the part without fat, because fat is easy to deteriorate. But feed cooked meat, not raw meat!

(7) Eat some lecithin, trace element tablets, etc. for beauty hair appropriately

Samoyed Identification selection


53.3-59.7 cm for males and 48.3-53.3 cm for females.


The   cranial and muzzle are proportional to body shape and skull size and are slightly triangular in shape.

The muzzle must have a certain thickness. The beard must never be cut off.

Ears are strong and thick; erect; triangular with slightly rounded tips. The size of the ears is based on the size and overall size of the head. The distance is relatively wide, close to the outer edge of the head, and appears flexible; covered with many hairs, the hair is full. The ears are well mobile,   with hair growing on the inside of the ear, and the hair in front of the ear is profuse and erect .   The length of the ear should be the same as the distance from the inside of the ear to the outer corner of the eye.

Eyes should be darker in color, spaced apart, and deep; almond-shaped; lower eyelid pointing to the base of the ear. Dark circles are ideal. Round eyes or bulging eyes are a defect; blue eyes are a disqualification. Black nose is ideal, but brown, liver, and charcoal are acceptable. Sometimes the color of the nosepiece changes with age and climate. Teeth strong, straight, strong, scissors bite. The upper and lower jaws should not be too prominent. The lips are preferably black and sensual, and the corners of the mouth are turned up like a smile. The lips at the corners of the mouth should not sag.


Neck strong, SamoyedDog Muscular, proudly held up, looking full of power, at attention, supporting a noble head on sloping shoulders. The neck joins the shoulders to form a graceful arch. The chest is deep, and the ribs expand outward from the spine, flattening out to the sides, without impairing shoulder movement and allowing free movement of the front limbs of the Samoyed. Not a barrel chest. The ideal depth should reach the elbows, and the deepest part should be behind the forelegs, about the level of the ninth rib. A chest deep enough to protect the heart and lungs within the chest cavity is more deep than wide.

The loin and withers are the highest point of the back, and the loin is strong and slightly arched. The back is straight (from withers to loin) and of medium length. The proportions of its body are "nearly square", i.e. about 5% longer in length than in height. Females may be longer than males. The abdominal muscles are tight and well-shaped, forming a graceful curve with the back of the chest (abdomen). The rump is slightly sloping, full and must extend to a very slight base of the tail.

The tail is of moderate length, and if the tail is drooping, the length of the coccyx should extend to the hocks. The tail is covered with long hair, rolled over the back when alert, or rolled to the side, and lowered when resting, in the presence of a Samoyed. The root of the tail should not be too high or too low, and the tail should be flexible. Having two curled tails is a defect. The condition where the tail is turned up higher than the back can only occur once during the competition.

The forelegs are parallel, straight and strong. The forelimbs are longer because of the deep chest. The height from the ground to the elbow is about 55% of the height from the ground to the upper edge of the shoulder blade. Dogs with short limbs do not meet the standard. Shoulders should be long and sloping at an angle of about 43°, with strong shoulders. The distance between the upper edges of the shoulders and feet is approximately 2.5-3.8 cm (1-1.5 inches). The thighs are well developed, the knee joint is about 45 degrees to the ground, and the hock joint is at the lower 1/3 of the shoulder height.

Viewed from behind, when the dog is standing naturally, the hind legs are parallel. Straight or bull-like knees do not meet the criteria. Whether the knee joint is bovine can only be determined when the dog is fully exercised. Dogs with short limbs do not meet the standard. Strong shoulders. The distance between the upper edges of the two scapulae is about 2.5 to 3.8 cm (1-1.5 inches). The feet are large, long, and relatively flat, like those of a hare, with slightly separated toes; the toes are arched, the pads are thick and hard, and there are protective hairs between the toes. In the natural standing state, the feet are neither abducted nor turned inward, but vertical, but when pulling the cart, the feet can be turned slightly inward. Feet abducted, dove-like toes, rounded or cat-like feet; excessively separated toes are faults. The hair on the feet is not necessary, more bitches than males.

The Samoyed's back should not be too long, the weak back makes it incapable of its normal work and loses its value as a working dog, but at the same time, the body is too compact for a kind of drag It is also very disadvantageous for dogs. Based on this consensus, fans can use this as a reference when purchasing. That is, for a Samoyed to be called a top-quality dog, the body is not long but the muscle is well-developed; and the chest must be very deep, the ribs must be well-expanded, and the neck must be strong. The forequarters are straight and the loins very strong. Males appear majestic in appearance without unnecessary aggression; females appear delicate in appearance or structure but not weak in temperament.

Females may have slightly longer backs than males. They all appear to have great stamina without being rough. Due to the deep chest, the legs must be of sufficient length, a dog with very short legs is very unwelcome. The rear rump appears to be very well developed, the rear knee joint is moderately sloping, and any problems with the rear knee joint or bull legs will be severely penalized. Like the Curly Bichon, the Samoyed has a double coat Hair, the body is covered with a short, dense, soft, flocculent, close-to-skin undercoat. The fur is the thicker, longer hair that penetrates the undercoat. The coat stands upright on the surface of the body and must never be curled. The shawl forms a "scarf" around the neck and shoulders. The quality of hair is related to whether it can withstand various climates, so quality is more important than quantity. A sagging coat is not welcome. By grasping these basic points and combining the relevant standard data, you can basically buy a relatively excellent Samoyed.

Eight Guidelines

1. Try to choose puppies born around 40 days old. Because the puppies in this period have not yet separated from their mothers, they will play a vital role in the cultivation of their relationship with their owners in the future. Dogs have such a strong memory of their first owner after leaving their mother that they will recognize and maintain affection even after years of separation. However, it should be noted that since the appearance of the dog before 5 months has not been determined in all aspects, there are certain risks, so you must make a choice after careful consideration. (The following experience is also written for the purchase of Samoyed puppies around 40 days old)

2. Pay attention to whether the parents are in good condition, and choose the strongest puppies in the same litter. You should choose a dog that is neither withdrawn nor aggressive in front of strangers. You can place the puppy belly up, and if the puppy can actively roll over, it is considered a pass.

3. A puppy with pure coat color and less variegation should be selected. Don't listen to any explanations about hair loss. Dog hair loss is normal, just like human hair loss, but can you say baldness is also normal? So choose rich hair, feel good when you grab it, and can bounce automatically open puppies. During this period, there may be a small amount of lanugo on the ear, which does not affect the viewing and can be purchased.

4. The eyes must be distinctly almond shaped. If you don't know what almonds look like, go buy a bag of American almonds and go and see. Eye color must be black, clear and transparent, not cloudy.

5. The nose should not be too long and have a certain width. The nose mirror should be black. But this period may not be completely dark, don't be afraid.

6. Satsuma is to have ears.

7. See if the limbs are level and forward, with no inner or outer eight.

8. In addition, check the body for lumps and the like.