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2022-05-05 / 703 Read

  Alias           Arabian Hound, Antelope Dog    

  English name           saluki    

  Weight           (Male) 14-25kg      (Female) 14-25kg    

Size             (Male) 58-71cm      (Female) 58-71cm    

  Origin           Iran    

Stickness:  Happiness: 
Hair loss:  Body Odor:  
Beauty Frequency:  Kids Friendly:  
Yes Friendly people:  Animal Friendly: 
Amount of exercise:  Trainability:  
saliva level : Cold Hardiness:  
Heat Resistance:  Urban Adaptation Degree:  


Ancient, dating back 5,000 years, ancient Egyptian tombs There are also paintings of hunters very similar to them on the walls. The name comes from the desert-submerged city in Arabia, which is now part of Yemen.

Saluki origin period: ancient; original use: hunting duiker; current use: companion, rabbit hunting.

In Islamic culture, dogs are considered unclean animals, but Salukis are treated specially and allowed to live in Islamic homes. When the Arabs were hunting, trained falcons swooped down on their prey to stop it, and salukis galloped across the ground to capture and drag the prey to the hunter. Salukis used to sit on camels' backs to protect their claws from being scalded by the desert sun, but now they go hunting by car.

FCI Standard of Saluki


Alias: Arabic Hounds, Hounds Salukis are intelligent, loyal, stable and obedient, with aristocratic demeanor, and are a precious breed. However, due to his background as a hunting dog, he has a strong desire to hunt, so he must be strictly disciplined.

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Original from Iran in the Middle East, originated in 3000 BC.


Smart, loyal, stable and obedient, with aristocratic demeanor, it is a precious breed. However, due to his origin, he has a strong desire to hunt, so he must be strictly disciplined. In addition, Salukis are generally suitable for small children, suitable for urban life, suitable for hot weather, and require a lot of physical training. Family feeding must provide enough space for their activities, and they must ensure enough exercise every day.

FCI standard:

Head: long and narrow, slightly wider between the ears, no arch, no obvious stop, overall good quality. The nose is black or liver-colored. The ears are long and covered with long silky hairs that hang down the sides of the head and are flexible. Eyes: Dark black or hazel, bright; large and oval; not prominent. Teeth: Strong and flat.

Neck: Long, supple and muscular.

Chest: Deep and slightly narrow.

Forequarters: Shoulders sloping back, well muscled but not rough. Forelegs: Straight and long (from elbow to wrist).

Hindquarters: Strong, with well-spread hipbones and moderately sloping knees. The hock position is low. Demonstrates the ability to run and jump at high speed.

Loin and Back: The back is fairly broad, muscular and slightly arched at the waist.

Feet: Of medium length, toes long and well arched, not flared, but not feet at the same time; overall very strong and supple, with feathering between the toes.

Tail: Long, set low, drooping in a natural curve, with long, silky, feathered underside, not very dense.

Coat: Smooth, soft silky hair, slightly feathered on the legs, back of the thighs, and slightly woolly on the shoulders and thighs.

Colors: White, Cheese, Camel, Gold, Red, Gray, Brown, Tricolor (Black, White, Brown), Black and Brown.

General Appearance: The overall impression of this breed is that of graceful and well-proportioned, with great speed and great stamina, full of strength, active, and capable of killing stares in the depths of the desert or in the Rocky Mountains antelope or other prey. The expression is dignified and refined, with deep, loyal, distant eyes. Males average about 23 to 28 inches tall at the shoulder, and females are slightly smaller, typical of East African hunting.

Shorthaired variant: The rest of this variant is as described above, except for the coat, which is not feathered.