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Redbone Coonhound

2022-04-18 / 476 Read
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Redbone Coonhound Breed Introduction

Redbone Coonhound(Redbone Coonhound), native to the United States, originated in the 19th century, the original use It's a raccoon hunter, and now many people keep him as a companion dog. Coonhounds have hunting instincts, and they can easily be trained as sniffing hounds, or chasing prey fleeing to the trees. But the Redbone Coonhound is relatively sound and complete among all coonhounds. Variety. Finally, the Bloodhound was bred with the ancient Irish hound and finally bred A redbone coonhound that is bluer than blue.

Chinese name : Redbone Coonhound

English name: Redbone Coonhound

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordate Door

Subphylum: Vertebrate Subphylum

Class: Mammalia

Subclass: Eutheria

Order: Carnivora Order

Suborder: Canines

Family: Canidae

Genus: Canis

Species: Domestic Dog

Subspecies: Redbone Coonhound

Distribution: Origin: USA

Lifespan: 11-12 years

Redbone CoonhoundCharacteristics

red The character of the Bone Hound and the Black and Tan Coonhound Very similar, this dog will show great interest and patience at work, as if hunting is play. Character is very cheerful and lively, cautious.

Although some redbone coonhounds have white on the feet or chest, this graceful and amiable dog is the only pure color coonhound. Coonhounds have hunting instincts, and they can easily be trained as sniffing hounds, or in pursuit of prey fleeing into trees. Like other coonhounds, the Redbone Coonhound is charming and agile. They can hunt in all weather conditions and in all terrain conditions. They can make pleasantly loud barks that are surprisingly affectionate. Puppies adjust well to family life if they are raised in a family. Strong and agile, confident and tenacious, its grace and docility make it a lovely companion dog too.

Feeding a Redbone Coonhound

Redbone Coonhound The process from infancy to adulthood is very short and is a stage of rapid body growth, so the owner is feeding Dogs should not be too careless when it comes to food, it is best to feed puppies for dogs when they are young food, other dog food ingredients for puppies Absorption is a big problem. So what are the characteristics of puppy food?

Features of puppy food:

1. Enhance immunity: rich in vitamins and taurine The complex strengthens the puppy's immune system.

2. High digestion and absorption rate: Select animal protein and high-quality starch with the highest digestion and absorption rate, plus fresh fruits and vegetables and natural plant extracts to make the most suitable pellets for feeding puppies, which greatly strengthens the dog digestibility of food.

3. Balanced Nutrition: The puppy stage is a pet The most important stage of a dog's nutritional needs is this stage of pet dogs rapid growth and development , requires a large amount of balanced nutrients, Aifu puppy food is a dog food tailored for puppies in accordance with the current commonly referenced American AAFCO pet food standard, suitable for all puppies, which can improve the nutrition of puppies. good guarantee.

4. Promote the development and growth of puppies: a reasonable ratio of calcium and phosphorus and necessary vitamins and minerals can promote the growth of bones and physical development of puppies, and greatly improve the absorption and utilization of trace elements.

What the editor wants to tell you is that dog food must be preserved. Avoid direct sunlight and place in high temperature and humid places. After opening, it should be refrigerated and fed as soon as possible. Especially in the humid rainy season, improper storage is easy to mildew.

Redbone CoonhoundIdentification Selection

[Overall Appearance]

Redbone Coonhound even in the most difficult terrain Can perform very solidly and quickly. With a good balance, a gorgeous red coat and a fine cold nose, the handsome appearance and confidence make him a hunting talent.

【Size, Proportion, Structure】

Size Male 55.88-68.58 cm. Bitches 53.34-66.04 cm. Preferred mid-range dogs. The height to length ratio is very high. The height from the highest point of the shoulder blades to the ground should be equal to the height from the sternum to the buttocks. Adequate bone mass, according to the size of the dog.


Eyes: Dark brown or light brown color, dark preferred. Eye round shape. Defects: Yellow eyes, droopy eyelids. Ears: Set low on the head, finely textured and well-proportioned. Cons: Feels stiff to the touch. Attaches only to the skin, not to the head firmly. Skull - Moderate. The shape is flat. Defect: Extra dome. Nose - Nostrils large and open, black, should not have pink. Defect - any color other than black. Teeth - scissors bite and priority. Disadvantage - prominent upper or lower jaw.

[Neck, Topline and Torso]

Neck - Medium length, strong, slightly arched. Slightly wrinkled skin of the throat below the angle of the mandible, a clean throat is permitted. Faults - too long, too thick, not in head-to-body proportions. Topline - Slightly higher at the shoulders than the hips. Malfunction - The hips are higher than the withers. Body-chest-deep, broad. Ribs - springing up to provide optimal lung capacity, loin - slightly arched. Tail - Medium length, like a sword. Cons - Not strong, curly tail.

[Forequarters]Shoulders - clean muscles. The shoulder angle should have a perfect 90 degree angle or close. Legs - straight, boneless. Flank - Straight, clean, and muscular, indicating speed and strength. Disadvantage - Front legs bent elbows out. Feet - cat paw type, compact structure with thick pads. Toes - Stout, strong, arched. Malfunction - Flat feet, open feet.


Thighs - clean muscles. The disadvantages are the same as the forequarters, and the hindquarters have the same angle. Adequate bone mass.


Short, smooth, and coarse enough to provide protection.


Pure red is preferred. A small amount of black and white on the chest and feet is permitted. Cons: White toes.


Stable and proud of it, with good reach and drive.


His master can train at home. Suitable for formal training.