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Pembroke Welsh Corgi

2022-04-30 / 1044 Read
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Pembroke Welsh Corgi Breed Introduction

WalesCorgidogs are divided into two types: Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Comparing the two, the Pembroke Corgi has a shorter body, straighter and lighter leg bones, and a better textured back coat; but in temperament, the Pembroke Corgi appears restless, excitable, and has no cady The root Welsh corgi is so tame. From Richard I in the 12th century to Queen Elizabeth II, corgis have been pets.

While the Welsh Corgi belongs to small dogs, but has a very stable personality, without the neuroticism of D-like small dogs, it is a very suitable guardian dog for children. Courageous and alert, they guard their homes with a high degree of vigilance, making them one of the most popular small guard dogs. Our standard description of the dog is: brave and fearless on the outside, gentle on the inside, intelligent in expression, full of interest in everything, never shy or fierce, with the appearance of a small dog, but with the soul of a big dog.

Origins of the Pembroke Corgi

The Welsh Corgi has been around in England since at least 920 AD.

There are two types of Welsh Corgis: Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

Pembroke Welsh CorgiCharacteristics

All LikesCorgiDogsPeople are obsessed with the unique temperament of corgis

"Do dogs laugh?" Many people will ask this question. But when you see a short corgi, you know dogs really will laugh. Seeing a corgi smile that rivals the "Mona Lisa smile" makes anyone feel warm.

Only long and short, not tall and short

In Welsh, "Corgi" means petite dog. When the Welsh Corgi walks on the road, it often encounters some people making a fuss: "Wow, what kind of dog is this, with such a long body, four short legs, and no tail!" Corgis will not be surprised. You must know that many heroes in history are not tall, and height cannot be used to measure the achievements of dogs. Don’t people often say that concentrated is the essence? What’s more, the benefits of being short Duoduo, the dog-raising regulations of many cities in China stipulate that dogs with a shoulder height higher than 35 cm are prohibited. You can pull a corgi, a dog that likes to grow horizontally, and gallop on the avenues of the city in an upright manner. Civilized dog breeder.

Pembroke Welsh CorgiLifestyle

Pembroke Welsh CorgiPros and Cons 

Easy maintenance

WalesCorgiDog It is a short-haired dog, which is convenient for outdoor activities. Even the competition-level dogs only need to cut the beard and the soles of the feet, and do not have to spend a lot of money on grooming every year like other dog breeds. Since this variety has no body odor, as long as a simple grooming once a day is guaranteed, a Bathing once a month is enough.

Ambient and quiet

The Welsh Corgi is an energetic, small working dog that exhibits speed, endurance in outdoor activities And athletic skills had to convince me of the documentation: this guy used to be used to herd cattle. But in family life, it is unusually rational. As an adult, it rarely jumps up and down at home, rummages through boxes, and always adheres to the great belief of "putting limited life into unlimited outdoor sports".

Talented and intelligent

It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul, and if you meet the eyes of a Welsh corgi, you will not The high IQ has no doubts anymore. Welsh corgis can understand some simple passwords in a very short period of time when they are young, and their obedience and judgment in adults are even more amazing.

Feeding the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

WelshCorgi DogsThere are two types of Welsh Corgis: Caddy Root Welsh Corgi and Pembroke Welsh Corgi . Comparing the two, the Pembroke Corgi has a shorter body, straighter and lighter leg bones, while the Welsh Corgi has a better texture on the back; but in temperament, the Pembroke Corgi appears restless and agitated , not as tame as the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Corgis have been pets of the British royal family since Richard I, Queen Elizabeth II in the 12th century . The amount of food fed every day should be moderate, too much or too little is not conducive to healthy growth. The daily feed should contain meat and the same amount of various grains, vegetables, carrots and other vegetarian food. Change the variety regularly to ensure a nutritionally complete diet.

First, regular feeding

The greatest joy for a dog is eating the same food from the same plate at the same time and place every day . The number of meals depends on the dog's physiological state, which should be evaluated frequently.

Second, give the dog plenty of water

Allow the dog to drink cold water suitable for drinking at all times, and change the water frequently, average per kilogram of body weight Consume at least 60ml of water per day, and more for puppies, nursing females, working dogs or in hot climates.

Third, control the amount of food

The size of each serving depends on the daily energy required by the animal and the calories contained in the food. The size of each serving should be recalculated frequently to avoid obesity, and should also be adjusted as the dog's weight changes.

Fourth, change the food gradually

The dog's diet should be changed gradually, with a transition period of a week, so that the animal's taste, digestion and metabolism can adapt, The dog's gut microbes were more attuned to eating turnips than human gut microbes, and were therefore able to restore their function to digest new foods.

Fifth, feed properly

The way you feed is as important as the ingredients in the food. Therefore, when feeding commercial food, the instructions of the merchant must be strictly followed. When feeding homemade food, avoid thoughts such as "my dog eats what I eat, my dog eats what it likes" or "my dog just eats". Finally, dog food should not contain table residue, Sweets, candy bars, cakes and chocolates.

Sixth, record the results for each dog

Dietary effects and any dietary changes should be recorded with some simple indicators, such as changes in weight, hair texture, stool characteristics, appetite and daily behavior.

Believe that if you can do this, your dog It must be healthy.

Corgi dogs are prone to eye diseases, so they should wash their eyes with 2% boric acid water every 3 to 5 days to prevent eye diseases. You should also bathe it regularly, remove earwax, tartar, trim claws, etc. The Welsh Corgi is a short-haired dog, but it should also be brushed frequently to keep it clean and beautiful. Corgis have no body odor, and a bath once a month is enough. The kennel should choose a ventilated, clean and dry place, and should be disinfected every two weeks or a month to prevent the breeding of bacteria.

The daily feed should contain 200-250 grams of meat and the same amount of vegetarian food. Vegetarians can choose a variety of grains, vegetables, carrots and so on. To change the variety regularly to ensure a comprehensive nutritional intake.

The amount of food fed every day should be moderate, too much or too little is not good for healthy growth.

Although the corgi's coat is slightly thicker and not very long, it should also be brushed frequently to keep it clean and beautiful. You should also bathe the Corgi regularly, remove earwax, tartar, wash the eyes with warm water (after boiling water to cool down), trim the claws, etc. Corgis are prone to eye diseases, so they should wash their eyes with 2% boric acid water every 3 to 5 days to prevent eye diseases.

The corgi kennel should choose a quiet, clean and dry place, and disinfect it every two weeks or a month.

Because the corgi is a herding dog in the early days, it is lively and active, so it cannot be kept indoors all the time, but should be given appropriate time to be outdoors to maintain its healthy and active characteristics.

The Pembroke Corgi is not good for company. Therefore, it must be trained and trained from the puppy period so that it can get rid of this bad habit and get along well with other dogs.

The Welsh Corgi's coat is very easy to maintain, requiring only a simple weekly grooming. It has a gentle personality and likes to be with children. Of course, children need to play with it under the supervision of adults. Natural love of sports, so need to do a lot of outdoor sports and play every day. It has a lively nature and likes to bark, so it needs to be trained from a young age, and it is trained not to bark or bite things from a young age. Note: Since the dog raising regulations of most cities stipulate that dogs with a shoulder height higher than 35 cm are prohibited, so short it can walk out of the house in an open and fair manner.

Pembroke Welsh CorgiIdentifying Selection

Regardless of the appearance of the dog, it shows any desired characteristics, if any Any of the following

defects are considered serious defects: too large or too small; button ears, rosette ears, drooping ears; prominent upper or lower jaw; Wrong sign or coat cyan.

Size, proportions and structure

Shoulder height 25.4-30.5 cm. The weight of the male dog is proportional to the body and cannot exceed 13.61 kg, and the female dog does not exceed 12.70 kg. Under the exhibition conditions, the male dog should weigh 12.75 kg and the female dog should be 11.34 kg. Dogs that are clearly oversized or undersized are considered substandard.

Proportion - Moderately long and low. The distance from the withers to the base of the tail is approximately 40% longer than the distance from the withers to the ground. Body - The body should not be too short and the bones should not be too heavy, or it will appear rough and redundant; nor too light, or it will appear too active.


The head has a fox-like shape, with a smart, caring look and no timidity. The skull is fairly broad and flat between the ears, the forehead is moderately framed, the cheeks are slightly muddy, and the foreface is well-defined, making the muzzle gradually pointed. The distance from the occipital bone to the center of the frontal nose frame is greater than the distance from the frontal nose frame to the tip of the nose, and the ratio is the total length of the skull in 5 parts to the total length of the front face in 3 parts. The muzzle is neither face-shaped nor woman-like. Eye oval, medium in size, neither round nor prominent, slightly oblique. Eyes brown, in harmony with the coat color, with black eye margins, black being the most suitable color. Black is full of expression, and true black eyes are the least desirable color, as are yellow and blue eyes. Ears erect. Firm, medium in size, tapering to rounded tips. The ears are active and sensitive to sound. Draw a straight line from the tip of the nose through the eyes to the tip of the ear, forming an angle close to an equilateral triangle. Bat ears, kitten ears, large, weak ears, lop ears, ears that are set too high or too low are all unwanted ears. Button ears, rose ears, or droop ears are serious defects. The nose is entirely black.

Mouth—tooth scissors bite, with the inner surface of the upper lip touching the outer surface of the lower lip. A pincer bite is also possible. A prominent upper or lower jaw is a serious defect. Lips black, tight, not full.

Neck, topline and torso

The neck is relatively long enough to balance the entire body. Slightly arched and neat, blending well with the shoulders. A neck that is too short can give a suffocating feeling, and a neck that is too long, too thin or ewe-shaped can affect the dog's quality. Topline--The back is firm and level, the croup neither protruding nor concave. The meeting of the slightly thicker neck coat with the slightly shorter body hair will cause a slight depression behind the shoulders, which is acceptable. BODY - Ribs well elastic, slightly oval, of moderate length. The chest is deep, hanging down between the forelegs. Being too low can interfere with freedom of movement and should be punished. When viewed from above, the body tapers towards the waist. Short waist. Bucket chest, dust flat chest, lack of elasticity in the ribs, too long, round are not up to the standard. The tail should be as short as possible, and it is permissible to occasionally have a puppy born with a docked tail. If it is not that the tail is upturned too high and destroys the dog's topline profile, the upturn length is less than 5.1 cm.


The front legs are short, the forearms are slightly turned inward, the length of the elbow joint from the wrist joint is less than the length from the shoulder joint, so that the forelegs appear Not too straight. The forelimbs are well-boned and perpendicular to the paws. The palms are strong, nearly straight in profile, weak and forward flexion are serious faults. The shoulder blades are long and lean back along the width of the chest. The upper arm is nearly the same length as the shoulder blade. The elbow is parallel to the torso, not protruding. A straight line is drawn from the highest point of the shoulder blade to the elbow joint, and the line drawn behind the elbow joint is perpendicular to the ground. The feet are oval in shape, with the central toes slightly longer than the lateral toes, neither inversion nor abduction. The pads are strong, with arched feet and short claws. The degenerated toes of the front and rear legs are usually   excised

.   Feet that are too round, too long, too narrow, or splayed are considered serious defects.


The hindquarters are well-boned, stiff and flexible, with well-angled knees and hocks. An angle that is too large or too small will affect the quality of the dog. The thighs are well muscled, the two hocks are short, parallel to each other, and perpendicular to the ground when viewed from one side. Barrel hocks or raised hocks are the most annoying shortcoming. Prominent hocks or having double joints can affect the quality of the dog. The paws are similar to the forelimbs.


The coat is of moderate length, with a short, thick undercoat and a long, coarse outer coat to withstand a variety of environmental conditions. The length of the body hair varies, the collar, chest and shoulders are slightly thicker and longer, and the undercoat is flat. The ventral surface of the forelegs, the lower abdomen and the ventral surface of the hindquarters are relatively long. The coat should preferably be straight, but ripples are allowed. Dogs of this breed are prone to shedding, assuming a thick, healthy, Well trimmed. Seasonal shedding of fuzz should not be considered a disadvantage. A bristle, overly short, thin, smooth coat is a very serious disadvantage. Coat Fluffy - The ears, chest, legs, feet, underbelly, hindquarters are extremely long and are often the most serious defect. The dog should be exhibited in its natural state, and no trimming of the coat is permitted, except for the grooming of the feet and the clipping of the tentacles.


The outer coat is solid red, sable, fawn, black and tan with or without white markings . White is permitted on the legs, chest, neck (either in part or as a collar), muzzle, lower body, and bridge of the nose. The coats that seriously affect the quality of the dog are as follows: coat white with red or black markings; blue coat with another distinct blue or faded color; eyes too bright, blue eyes, eye margins, nose Dark auburn or grey with lips. False Marks - White areas in pure black between withers and tail, elbows and ventral surface of   hindquarters, ears; black   coat with white markings in non-tan dogs.


The gait is free and smooth. The forelegs are well stretched and not raised too high, in harmony with the driving action of the hindquarters. Proper shoulder setup, combined with proper elbow motion, allows the dog to walk freely with large strides forward. Viewed from the front, the limbs are not in a parallel plane when walking, but slightly adducted to make up for the short legs and wide chest. The hindquarters are well extended and in line with the forelegs, allowing for a continuous and powerful movement, with the hocks neither adducted nor everted. The running of the claws is parallel to the movement route, and cannot sway left and right, cross or interfere with each other. Incoherent short movements, body swaying or high-leg walking,   gait that is too tight or too wide when walking back and forth are all incorrect gaits .   This sheepdog must be agile, free, and responsive to work endurance.