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Mini Doberman

2022-04-04 / 482 Read
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Mini Doberman Variety Introduction

Mini Doberman is a well-balanced, compact, sturdy, sophisticated short-haired dog. Its appearance is natural, haughty, energetic and alert. Horselike gait, daring style, totally independent personality and energy are the breedUnique features. They are excellent family dogs. He is also good at catching mice. Before 1900, it was an obscure breed except in Germany. Although some small species look like Doberman Pinscher, genetically It has nothing to do with it. Important Proportions: The height and length of the body should be proportional to make it as square as possible.

Mini Doberman Species distribution

Mini Doberman originated between the 19th and 20th centuries. The shape resembles a deer, hence the name Fawn Dog. Originating in Germany, it has its style in many modern famous paintings, and has now been popularized in Europe and the United States. It has always been the favorite dog of ladies. Even the Queen Mary Ann Downey, who was sent to the guillotine after the end of the French Revolution, still hugged the sad miniature tightly before her death, but it is a pity that The process of the formation of this blood species is still not well established. During the First World War, the local miniatures in Germany disappeared. Fortunately, after the armistice, a large number of dogs imported into Germany from various countries brought the number of miniature dogs in Germany to a peak. This dog is improved from a medium-sized breed to a small dog breed . The German Dog Association officially recognized the breed in 1895, and it was originally called the Lipinchi dog. In the United States, the Miniature Dog Club was established in 1929, and the miniature dog breed was valued. Before 1900, it was an obscure breed except in Germany. Although there are small breeds that look like Tuk-Pins, they are not genetically related in any way.

Development and origins of the Miniature Pinscher

Centuries before the Miniature Pinscher, the Miniature Pinscher (terrier in German) appeared in Germany and Scandinavia. In 1895, the German Pinscher Club was established, and the Miniature Pinscher was then recognized. In 1920, after the Miniature Pinscher was introduced to the United States, it was deeply favored by the locals. In 1929, the Miniature Pinscher Club was established in the United States.

Physiological indicators of the Mini Doberman

1. The ears should be long and dangling, and the hair on the top of the head should be long enough to cover the ears and drape over the shoulders; The eyes should be black and piercing.

2. The body should be well-proportioned, the neck should be always high and strong, the chest should be deep, and the abdomen should be slightly retracted upwards.

3. The limbs should be long and strong, the forelimbs should be straight, the hind limbs should be well muscled, the feet should be large and broad, and the toes should be covered with long feathers.

4. The fur should be thicker and denser, soft and shiny like silk. There are also long feathers on the sides of the head.

5. The sides of the body and the fore and hind limbs also have long, dense fur; the ears and tail and top of the head have long, shiny fur. The fur on the back and shoulders is shorter.

6. This dog is available in white, golden yellow, brown and black, and should not have other colors of hair, otherwise it is not a purebred.

7. The gait when walking should be easy and free, and it should be able to run swiftly.

8. The requirements for shoulder height and weight are: height (ie shoulder height) within 61-74 cm; weight within 23 kg-35 kg.

9. The head should be elongated, long, straight, narrow, and often high. The forehead should be slightly convex, and the nose should be brown or black.

10. The snout should be long, the neck should be strong and powerful, and the teeth should be hard and clamped.

Miniature DobermanCharacteristics

MiniDoberman is intelligent, active, and passionate about people, but has a strong self-esteem, so avoid blaming them with overly harsh words. Although the miniatures do not bark, they are still quite alert. It has a strong desire to protect its own territory, and is more neurotic, so it has a strong attack on strangers or dogs that violate its territory, when it is with other Breeds may fight frequently when they are raised together, resulting in some serious trauma. But the dog is loyal, intelligent and easy to train. Small size does not require too much space for rearing and activities; dexterous movements, not easy to be stepped on at home; short hair, no special care is required, and the hair will not fly around in the molting season; good physical strength and spirit, can be accompanied You don't need a hug for a few hours; it's vigilant, nimble, and not easy to grab by strangers, so it's not easy to be stolen. So it is an excellent family dog.

Mini DobermanLifestyle

In order to keep Fawn Dog has a beautiful body, and must pay attention to the combination of various nutrients in daily feeding. At the same time, the amount of feeding should not be too much to cause excess nutrition or Too little can cause malnutrition, in order to provide balanced and adequate nutritional advice it is best to give dogs Feed a nutritionally complete small dogdog food.

In addition to providing adequate nutrition, they should also take them for necessary exercise regularly. Due to the short coat on the body, the ability to resist the cold is poor, so dress it to keep warm when the weather is cold, and you can also take the opportunity to dress up your baby. Fawns are lively and active by nature. They like to jump up and down and run around the house. They prefer to dig into some corners to find things. Therefore, if there are valuables such as antiques in the home, they must be placed out of their reach.

Miniature PinscherPros and Cons

Hereditary Diseases: Generally, the dog has no known genetic problems.

Common diseases: cataract, diabetes, chronic renal failure, hypoparathyroidism, femoral head necrosis, heart failure.

Feeding a Miniature Pinscher

First of all, your dog should be fed every day from the moment of weaning to twelve Sundays four times. Its breakfast and lunch should include a moderate amount of puppy nutrition, with a cup of hot water or broth (or a little more if you want softer), and a quarter pound of fresh beef or a quarter of canned beef. Mix it up. This amount is only an approximate feeding amount, you can add a little more beef and less nutritional supplements if you like. In the evening and before going to bed, you should mix distilled milk and warm water in one to one feeding.

As the puppy grows, between three months and six months, change the number of feedings to three times a day, and twice milk to one meat and nutritional supplements. If the puppy happily licks the plate clean and doesn't gain too much weight, then you know the amount is just right. If it starts to look a little chubby, reduce the amount of feeding; you don't want your dog to be too fat. At the same time: Excessive weight will overload the limbs and muscles of the dog, causing sagging stripes, so be sure to avoid overfeeding.

If the puppy has eaten all the food and still looks thin, it may be necessary to increase the amount of feeding, and the puppy may not be getting enough nutrients. After the puppy is six months old, it can be fed once a day plus a snack, or once in the morning and once in the evening. If you only feed once a day, the main meal time should be in the late afternoon. Don't forget to check your puppy regularly for parasites and stay alert at all times. Every puppy is an individual and requires careful care.

Mini Doberman Dogs have many things Can not eat, such as chocolate, chicken bones. If the owner is not sure about these things, it is better to use dog food Come and feed the dog.

There is also a high phosphorus content in the liver of animals that is harmful to health. Never eat chocolate, onions and scallions!

Miniature Doberman identification selection


Mini Doberman The head cover is narrow, the tip of the head is thin, and the top of the head is flat. The bite is scissors, with closely overlapping upper and lower teeth; the nose and coat are well-coordinated. The muzzle is strong and generally in proportion to the head.


Miniature Pinscherbreeds with small ears and high ears Better, with upright and drooping ears. The United States and other countries cut the ears of these dogs into pointed shapes. It is forbidden to cut off ears in the UK.


mini The Doberman Pinscher has oval eyes of good size and black.


The Miniature Pinscher has a boxy build. The chest is broad, the back is straight, and the belly is deep upward.


The Miniature Pinscher's coat is short, smooth, and shiny. The coat color is chocolate, black, and blue as the base color, with a series of tan markings or red. The coat is dark brown, typical of the Miniature Pinscher. The lips, cheeks, thorax, jaw, throat, front feet, hind feet, heels and underside of tail are all tan. The better breeds are dogs that have no white coat on the chest, but if they do, make it no larger than the size of a coin.


The Miniature Pinscher has straight forelegs and well muscled hind legs.


The Miniature Pinscher has short, rounded feet with tightly gripped, dark claws.


The Miniature Pinscher has a high tail. The tail is cut short and docked.


Mini Dobermans are 26 to 30 cm tall.