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Lhasa Apso

2022-03-29 / 345 Read
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Lhasa Apso breed introduction

Lhasa Apso (Lhasa Apso), alias Tibetan dog, Lhasa lion dog, produced in Tibet, China, his body looks like a lion, 20th century before, except This breed is rarely seen outside of Tibet, its origin. It is now an ideal family dog. The Lhasa Apso is also known as the "Holy Dog of Exorcism".

There are many temples and lamas in Tibet. The Lhasa Dog was originally used as a companion and guard dog for the monks in these temples. The dog is also regarded as a sacred thing by the monks. In the body of the dog, it can bring good luck to the breeder. Therefore, it was impossible to buy this dog breed at that time, but in history, the Dalai Lama also regarded the Lhasa dog as a gift, paid tribute to the court and neighboring countries, made friends with dignitaries, and was widely spread all over the world because of its gorgeous appearance.

Chinese name: Lhasa Dog

Foreign name: Lhasa Apso

Latin name : Chrysanthemum

Nicknames: Tibetan Dog, Lhasa Shih Tzu, Tibetan Lhasa Dog, Tibetan Yabusu

Territory: Animal

Class: Mammalia

Subclass: Therapy

Family: Canis

Breed: Lhasa Apso

Phylum: Chordate

Subphylum: Vertebrate subphylum

Subfamily: Canis subfamily

Order : Carnivora


Lifespan:12-13 years

Distribution area: The Lhasa is native to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Origin: Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Body size : small dogs

Lhasa ApsoCharacteristics

Lhasa Apso, of course, must have a good voice, bark a few times when something happens, and distinguish strangers The ability of the dog is super strong, so it is very suitable as a guard dog. Although this dog is small in size, it is very strong and has endurance.

The Lhasa Apso has high self-esteem, a strong sense of vigilance, a cheerful personality, and is very obedient to a trustworthy owner. The long coat covering the body is very beautiful.

The Lhasa Apso is smart and obedient, alert to strangers, strong and brave, and is an excellent guard dog. Due to its small size, the dog is suitable for family keeping and makes a good companion dog.

Lhasa ApsoLifestyle

Very strong and patient, this dog is known for its frequent barking and lion-like appearance . Lhasa Apso has a strong ability to distinguish strangers and is the most suitable A guard dog, with a high self-esteem, a strong sense of alertness, a cheerful personality, very obedient to a trustworthy owner, and the long coat covering the body is very beautiful.

The Lhasa Apso has a strong body, sensitive hearing, friendly personality, arrogance and calmness, smart and obedient, strong vigilance against strangers, strong and brave, and is an excellent guard dog. Due to its small size, the dog is suitable for family keeping and makes a good companion dog.

Lhasa ApsaraAdvantages and disadvantages

Lhasa Apso feeding method

Lhasa Apso is very sensitive to strangers and barks like Pomeranian as continuous. Until you can't see it, it is best to raise Lhasa Apso from childhood, and it is best not to change the owner in the middle, otherwise, Dogs will miss their old owners and will not obey their new owners, even if they change their education for a long time, they may not be able to change it. So how should Lhasa Apsara be raised under normal circumstances?

Lhasa Puppy needs 180-380 grams of meat every day, plus the same amount of dry vegetarian food or low-sugar biscuits, and warm water. Feed after reconciliation, and supply appropriate amount of clean drinking water.

This dog also needs to have a considerable amount of exercise, usually give the child a certain time to let it run or walk freely. Appropriate exercise can promote appetite, enhance physical fitness, and also improve the reproductive function of dogs.

It needs to be cleaned and sanitized every day. In addition to paying attention to its diet and hygiene, because of its long and rich coat, it needs to be combed and brushed every day. The method of grooming is the same as for other dogs.

This dog is not very resistant to disease. When feeding, in addition to paying attention to cleaning and sanitation, it is also necessary to observe its mental state, appetite, feces shape, the humidity of the bottom of the nose and the presence of air around the anus. If there are no fecal stains, etc., once abnormal or disease symptoms are found, measures should be taken to treat them as soon as possible.

Most adult dogs over 12 months old can be fed one meal a day (usually at night), and Lhasa Apso can be fed two meals a day. Overfeeding, the dog will vomit and diarrhoea. Generally, dogs will obey the family's daily routine and eat at the family meal time. This can prevent the dog from coming to ask for food during the meal. Some dogs need to get up to defecate in the middle of the night after eating at night. The dog can eat earlier or the food can be divided into two parts, and the two-meal feeding method can be adopted. Dogs like to eat in a fixed place, so it can strengthen their daily routine and the meal time should not be too long. The feeding area for dogs can be based on personal preference. Dogs generally eat their food cleanly. The eating area should also be convenient for dogs to finish their food. Occasionally, some dogs will bite the meat out of the food tray, put it on the floor and step on it and bite to eat (similar to lions feeding on prey). Dogs with such eating habits can lay newspapers on the floor to facilitate cleaning after meals. For those growing puppies, do not leave leftovers on the floor for too long.

Drinking water

Water is necessary for all animals, and drinking water should be adequately supplied at all times. In hot weather, dogs have diarrhea or septic diseases. More moisture is required. Some diseases can make your dog thirsty, so take him to the veterinarian if you notice unusual thirst.

Don't get your dog accustomed to snacking between meals, this will make your dog beg for food and harass visitors, establishing a rule that you don't allow him to beg or steal food will save you a lot of Trouble, it is generally more difficult to restrain family members from feeding freely. Fat-free leftovers can be placed in the dog's food bowl for the next meal.


Snacks can be used to reward good behavior or to aid in training. Treats with rewards are more effective than punishments. Snacks are also food. Too many snacks can cause obesity. Reward snacks should be symbolic and should be given by the owner. Appropriate snacks are:

1. Wet dog food: give a small amount.

2. Special treats for dogs.

3. Candy: There are candies for dogs.

4. Raisins.

5. Crushed cookies.

6. Chicken jerky, beef jerky, duck jerky, etc.

Please note that vitamins or minerals should not be used as snacks to avoid overdose.

Lhasa Apso Identification

Temperament: Cheerful and confident, but very cautious and conservative with strangers , loyal to the owner, like to bark. Makes a good guard dog.

Size: Size varies, but males are about 10-11 inches tall at the shoulder; females are slightly smaller.

Head: Heavy head feathers, hanging down in front of eyes, with a large beard and mustache; head narrow, conspicuously sunken behind the eyes, not very flat, but Neither arched or apple-shaped. The straight front face has sufficient length. The nose is black, and the distance from the nose to the eyes is approximately 1/3 of the distance from the nose to the back of the head.

Eyes: Dark brown, neither too large and plump nor too small and sunken.

Ears: Pendant and richly feathered.

Mouth and muzzle: The preferred bite is a pincer bite or a slight underjaw bite. The muzzle is of moderate length; a square muzzle is objectionable.

Body Shape: Shoulder to hip is slightly greater than shoulder height, ribs well supported, loin strong, hindquarters and thighs well developed.

Legs: The front legs are straight; the front and back legs are heavily covered with hair.

Feet: Many feathered, round, cat-like, with thick pads.

Tail: Profusely feathered, spiraling on the back and possibly tangled at the end. A low tail is a serious defect.

Coat: Heavy, straight, stiff, not woolly or silky, of adequate length, and very bushy.

Color: Any color is acceptable, with or without dark tips for ears and whiskers.