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Kelly Blue Terrier

2022-03-22 / 778 Read
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Kelly Blue Terrier Breed Introduction

Kerry Blue Terrier (Kerry Blue Terrier), also known as Irish Terrier, Irish national dog, originated in Ireland, originated in the 19th century, in Kerry Blue Mountains first caused People's attention, hence the name. The Kelly Blue Terrier has been bred for hundreds of years in its purebred ancestry.

Kelly Blue Terrier Kelly Blue Terrier has many talents, but also has the instinct of tracking and catching prey. It is suitable for various forms of work, and it is easy to train. It has an indomitable spirit and is a housekeeper. It is difficult for dogs to surpass it. Throughout the history of England, the Kelly Blue Terrier has served as a police dog. Provided with good feeding and management, as well as specialized food and designated training, the Kelly Blue Terrier has a long life span and remains faithful to its duties toward old age. In fact, Kelley Blue Terriers between the ages of 6 and 8 are still considered youth dogs.

Chinese name: Kerry Blue Terrier

Chinese alias: Irish Terrier (details), Irish national dog

English name: Kerry Blue Terrier

Kingdom: Animalia

Department   : Chordate

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family : Canidae

Genus: Canis

Species: Domestic Dog

Distribution: Ireland

Kelly Blue Terrier

Kelly Blue Terrier Like children who never grow up, they are often spoiled and temperamental, hoping to have the love of their masters alone, so they are not suitable for group rearing, but are more suitable for rearing in a quiet environment. The Kelly Blue Terrier has a strong appearance on the surface, but has a gentle heart that is inversely proportional to its appearance. If given proper training from a young age, it will be a child's best playmate and guardian.

The Kelly Blue Terrier is very fond of digging things. The slight sound of the ground and any strange smell will arouse its strong curiosity and dig hard, so be careful if there is dirt in the home. It is highly vigilant and is very wary of strangers and other animals, occasionally attacking animals that "illegally" enter its territory. It is jealous of other dogs that enter its territory and will be very repulsive, so this kind of dog is more suitable for keeping alone. When you force it to do something it doesn't want to do, or you do something to make it feel that your love for it is not so specific, it will occasionally have "little emotions". Kelly Blue Terrier is a smart and playful dog. You don't need to think too much about whether it understands the intention when practicing. It sometimes acts like a child. After completing the action correctly, it is necessary to give them their favorite toys in time award.

Gentle, faithful, energetic, and stubborn personality, must be rigorously trained to make an excellent family dog. The dog is very clean, curly, and molted. Kelly for show Blue Terriers must be carefully trimmed and decorated.

Kelly Blue TerrierLifestyle

Kelly's Blue Terrier is smart and playful, but when you force it to do something it doesn't want to do, or you do something that makes it feel When your love for it is no longer so specific, it will occasionally make some "little emotions".

It is highly vigilant and has a strong sense of precaution against strangers and other animals. It also occasionally attacks animals that have entered its territory "illegal". By nature, the Kelly Blue Terrier loves to dig things, and the slight sound of the ground and any strange smell will arouse its strong curiosity and dig hard.

As a terrier, the Kelly Blue Terrier has a unique temperament and is more suitable for keeping in a peaceful environment. It is like a small child, hoping to have the owner's love alone. Therefore, it is jealous of other dogs that enter its territory. It will be very repulsive, so this kind of dog is more suitable for keeping alone. The Kelly Blue Terrier's strong appearance hides a gentle heart. If it is properly trained since childhood, it will be the best playmate and guardian of children.

Nature: Gentle, faithful, energetic, but also stubborn, must be trained to be a good family dog. The dog is very clean, curly, does not shed and moult. For show The Kelly Blue Terrier must be carefully trimmed and decorated.

Kelly Blue TerrierPros and Cons

Kelly Blue TerrierFeeding

Kelly Blue Terriers bred under normal conditions They are not picky when it comes to life. Except for sick or old dogs, Kelly Blue Terriers, like humans, go through various stages in their life, such as childhood, youth, middle age, and old age. However, for the elderly Kelly Blue Terrier, due to the decreased digestive ability and the dull sense of smell, they will be picky eaters. In this case, the owner should pay attention to both deliciousness and nutrition when formulating dog food, and never because of his picky eater. Give the old baby a chance to sell the old.

Abundant nutrients, especially protein and calcium, are very necessary, and they can add some meat to their recipes, fish, eggs, vegetables, etc., and pay attention to vitamin A and calcium supplementation. It is not advisable to add more salt, fat and bone ingredients to the food. In terms of feeding methods, a small amount of meals can be adopted to reduce the gastrointestinal burden of elderly dogs and ensure full absorption of nutrients. Of course, don't forget to let your baby drink clean drinking water at any time.

Regular veterinary checkups for older dogs are also essential. Veterinarians can make reasonable recommendations on the diet of older dogs, based on dogs According to the physical condition, formulate a more reasonable feeding method. For example: dogs with kidney disease should reduce the intake of phosphorus and protein; dogs with heart disease should reduce the intake of salt; dogs with cervical spondylosis, if it is difficult to bow their heads when eating, need to reduce the intake of food. Place the plate at a suitable height for eating.

Feeding Suggestions:

1. Geriatric formula is available for Kelly Blue Terriersdog food, which is convenient and ensures adequate and balanced nutrition.

2. Pay attention to the dog's weight and reduce the amount of feeding if necessary to maintain a normal weight.

3. Bad teeth will aggravate the malabsorption of nutrients and reduce the antibacterial properties of the dog's oral cavity, making it easy for bacteria to invade. It is necessary to brush the dog's teeth regularly, or give teeth cleaning food and string toys.

4. Elderly dogs often suffer from constipation. When there is no stool for 3 to 4 days, they should be sent to the animal hospital for examination, and the intake of vegetables should be appropriately increased.

5. Pay attention to the dog's diet. Unreasonable feeding will increase the burden on the dog's stomach.

Kelly Blue TerrierIdentification Selection

Overall Appearance

TypicalKelly's Blue Terrier, standing firmly and well balanced, showing well-trained gesture. Muscular, with typical terrier features.


The ideal Kelley Blue Terrier should be 47.0 cm in height for male dogs, while the female dog is significantly smaller. According to the basic parameters, the male dog is generally 45.7 to 49.5 cm, and the female dog is 44.6 to 48.3 cm. Only those relatively good breeds from hunting areas with clear characteristics, Only give a wider degree of freedom when judging. The height of the Kelly Blue Terrier can never be higher than 50.8 cm or lower than 44.6 cm, and the female dog should be limited to 43.2-49.5 cm. These finer limits should not be applied to puppies. The strict weight range for mature Kelley Blue Terrier males is 14.97 to 19.96 kg, and the weight of female dogs is correspondingly lighter. Well developed and muscular. The bones and muscles of the feet are strong, and the legs are correspondingly long.


The head is long but not excessive and is in proper proportion to the body. Strong body balance. Eyes - Small and dark, but not prominent, with a keen terrier character. Yellow eyes are not welcome. Ears - V-shaped, small but well proportioned to the body, of medium thickness, originating from the folded skull and hanging down from the cheeks. If the ears are shaped like a hound, the Kelly Blue Terrier does not meet the criteria. Skull - Flat, with an inconspicuous bridge of the nose, tapering in width between the ears to the width of the eyes. The foreface is full, extending indistinctly below the eyes, with a wedge-shaped profile, with an indistinct difference in the length of the skull and forehead. The lower jaw is deep, firm and robust.


Cheeks are regular and flat. Nose - Black with large, broad nostrils. Teeth - Hard, white and straight, with a scissors bite.

Neck, Back, Body

Neck - well-proportioned and of moderate length, gradually widening from head to shoulders, back short, firm and strong Straight, without obvious depression, the chest is thick and moderately broad. Ribs are raised, round and deep. Conspicuously closed. The waist is short and powerful. The tail is high and medium in length, erected vertically on the ground, the more straight the tail is erected, the better.


Shoulders are thin, extended back and well gathered, elbows perpendicular to the body for easy movement. The front legs are straight when viewed from the front or the side, and the hind legs are short and straight. Feet well-knit, fairly round, of moderate size, with thick pads, silent when walking, toes arched, neither turned in nor out, with black toenails.


Strong, well muscled, free of movement, easy to squat, long and powerful metacarpal bones, well cambered at the rear knee, neither inward The tarsus joint of the hind foot is close to the ground, and the hind legs are erect and parallel when viewed from behind, which is easy to stabilize the body.


The coat is soft, dense, and curved. When mature, the body coat varies from dark blue-grey to light blue-grey to blue-grey or grey-blue, except for the muzzle, head, ears, tail, and feet which are noticeably darker. Coarse or short, stubborn hair does not meet the criteria, at fairs, the body and head of the Kelly Blue Terrier is covered with neatly trimmed coat (except cheek moustache,) Coarse or short stubborn hair does not meet the criteria . But the ears and cheeks should be clearly exposed.


The Kelley Blue Terrier, when mature, changes from dark blue to dark blue except for the muzzle, head, ears, tail, and feet that are noticeably darker. Grey to bluish grey to bluish grey or greyish blue. The Kelley Blue Terrier is noticeably black at birth, and becomes gray-blue or bluish-gray as it matures, with a transition to dark blue (even darker than dark gray-blue), and a transition to light brown, brown, and blue variegated. process, and finally gradually form a mature coat color. 18 months ago, there was no regularity and no consistency in color changes. After 18 months, any significant changes are strictly limited, and those who are completely black at dog shows will be disqualified from exhibiting. By 18 months the dog's coat color should have been determined to be black or dark blue, especially black on the nose, head, ears, tail and feet which is allowed at any age.


Freedom of movement, with elbows perpendicular to body, gait is graceful. When walking, the front and rear legs move forward in a straight line. The knee is neither turned in nor out.